Chapter 4

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The semester is nearly over, and man does time fly. I have made so many new friends and I am enjoying every moment so far. Yes, there is the odd drama here and there, but it's still a lot of fun. For our final project in social history, we have to do a partner project on a Canadian historical event. I am partners with Kaeden.

"I think we should do the Trudeau's" he suggested.

"No, that's so boring, we need to do something about the Cold War or how we helped in the World Wars."

"But everyone is doing that."

After a long discussion, we came to an agreement to do the discovery of Insulin. We managed to do our project on a big, bright poster. We had the help of Kaeden's older sister, who is majoring in art and design, with the poster layout. It was masterclass. The project took about a month to complete and hours spent together. We constantly went to each other's houses and that's when people started asking questions. Once two people hang out together, that's it. Rumors fly. I don't even see Kaeden that way. Well, there were the odd time where I did question my feelings for him, but I am 100% positive that those feelings are non existent. Not even those hazel green eyes could change my mind. One day after school, Kaeden and I decided to get some frozen yogurt to celebrate our A on our project.

"You wanna hear something really funny?" I asked.


"Monica thinks I have a crush on you." I say slightly laughing. He pauses.

"You know what? Jeremy thought the same thing for me. He thought I had a crush on you!"

"Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one. And I'm glad we're on the same page."

"Yea. Me too." He says as he scoops more yogurt into his face. But then he looks back up. His gaze just tracing my face. I pretend not to notice, but man is my peripheral vision good. I could be a spy. I feel his gaze linger for a moment longer. His eyes tracing my cheekbones while his dark brown hair slightly sways in the wind. I've never really noticed how defined his face was. He even has the slightest freckles that just align perfectly on his cheeks. My gaze gets interrupted when I feel a raindrop.

"I guess we better go." I exclaimed.

"Yeah, don't wanna get poured on."

Later that evening, I was on FaceTime with Monica. She was telling me all about her date with Bradley and how he is so amazing.

"And we kissed!" She squealed.

"Wow, actually? What was it like?"

"It was alright. Obviously, we were both new at it, so it was nothing like the movies. Anyways, enough about me. Tell me about Kaeden." She said veering closer to the camera.

"I already told you. I don't like him, and he doesn't like me. We even talked about it today. Besides, I'm pretty sure he likes Kim. He said so a couple weeks ago."

"Oh really? Because that's not what Bradley told me, and they are good friends."

"Well, maybe Bradley is wrong. Or, he's lying to you." Monica raises her hand with sass,

"If he was, then I'll have his head."

We laughed it off and continued to chat about all the drama at our school for the rest of the night. 

***First 4 chapters done, bear with me for any errors. Will post the coming chapters soon :)

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