Chapter 2

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It's my first proper day of school and I don't really know what to expect. As long as I don't do anything too stupid or embarrassing, I should be fine. Then again, anyone who says that always ends up falling in front of the hot senior or runs into the janitor and gets wet paint on their butt or something. It'll be fine.

I grab my bag and go to the truck where my dad is waiting for me. My dad is a carpenter and my parents met in Bali. My mom was on a yoga retreat and my dad went there to get inspiration for an international catalog. It ended up being a hit and he scored with my mom. So, he always jokes how that was a "win-win" for him.

"Ready for your first full day of high school?" He asked.

"Ready? Please, I'm petrified." I respond with sarcasm in my tone.

"Sure you are." He smirks.

I arrived at school and went to homeroom right away since it's always the first class we have every morning.

"Morning everyone," Mr. Gonewell exclaims, "hope you are all excited for your classes, because I'm not."

Next thing I knew, the bell rang and everyone went to first period. Luckily, Monica is in my math class, so we got to go together. The teacher seemed really chill. She told us all about her hiking Mt. Fuji and we played math Kahoot. In PE, we went over the class requirements and talked about the sports news. In English, we did all the cheesy "Get to Know You" games, and in social history, we talked about what we thought history meant to us. Throughout the day, I noticed that a lot of the kids had the same classes together. Most of them I spend all day with and there are a few randoms here and there. However, it is a good opportunity to become close with these people as we will be spending the whole first semester together. Who knows, I could meet some of my new best friends or even a boyfriend if I'm lucky. 

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