Chapter 14

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After one full week in the new semester, I ended up agreeing to meet up with Todd. The least I could do is give him some time to explain himself. Might as well be the bigger person. We decided to meet at Crispen Beach.

"Hey." I convey.

"Hey." We make eye contact. For the first time since that night.

"Let's make this quick. I got to help my dad with some pallets." That was a lie. I just don't think I can last much longer around him. My stomach is twisting into a pretzel.

"I know what happened at Jeremy's party looks bad, and honestly, there isn't much of an excuse. I'm not going to fight with the truth."

"Wow. Way to really save yourself with that one." I scuff.

"Look," he sighs, "after we played pong, I was thinking about us and it got me down. You were gone the whole night, and I thought you were drifting from me."

"So you're blaming this all on me?" I question.

"No," he continues, "I was in the laundry room because I wanted time for myself. That's when Chelsea came in. She was being really nice and comforting me through all these emotions I was feeling. I told her how much I didn't want to lose you."

"Then you stuck your tongue down her throat?"

"No! She gave me a hug and we both paused to look at each other. She went in for it, not me, but I should've stopped her. I felt guilty the whole time, but I couldn't pull away."

"Oh my god, this is disgusting. Just sto-" he cuts me off.

"Before I knew it, you turned on the light and were standing in the doorway. When I saw your face, I came to my sober senses and realized what I did. Ainsley, I'm so sorry. If there was any way to take it all back I-"

"Just stop," I scream, "I can't listen to this anymore." I start walking to my car. He follows straight after me.

"Ainse, I was just scared I was going to lose you."

"You weren't going to!" tears started streaming down my face. I was basically ugly crying now, "What did I tell you? I wasn't going anywhere. All you had to do was not fuck up. But you did."

"Yeah. I did. I fucked up." He responds with his voice breaking, tears were falling down his face as well.

"You did, and now you lost me." 

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