Chapter 13

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I didn't leave my room for the whole day. I didn't get any food in me until my dad came upstairs and gave me dinner. I hate that I'm like this. Why am I letting a boy control my emotions? How did I let him take away my motivation? I'm so pathetic.

The next morning, I came downstairs to find my mom watching the news while drinking coffee.
"Hey hun." She expresses.


"I'm thinking of making my classic twisted cinnamon buns, do you wanna help?"


After I ate breakfast, I spent the whole morning in the kitchen with my mom. We started by making the dough. While we let it rise, we got started on the filling. My mom always browns the butter in a saucepan, then adds coconut sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla. We then let the filling cool and the timing works out accordingly with the dough.

"So, are you filled with rage, or sadness?" she asks. There she goes again, knowing me inside out, better than I know myself.

"I think today I have more rage."

"Have you talked to any of your friends, or has Todd texted you?"

"No. I shut off my phone. I don't really wanna go on social media or hear what people have to say."

"Maybe you should stop by Kaeden's and give him some of the cinnamon buns. As a 'get well soon gift'" she offers. Man, she always tricks me into things she knows I won't do. But it always benefits me in the end. So, I'm thankful.

I pack some cinnamon buns and walk over to Kaeden's. I knock on the door and Kaeden's mom answers. I wait out on the porch swing and Kaeden slowly cripples his way over. I give him a soft hug and we both sit on the swing.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Better. My dad got me some painkillers and I have been resting lots."

"That's good. My mom and I made these." I hand him the container.

"No way! The twisted cinnamon buns?!" he yells.

"Yeah, the one and only."

"Thank you." His smile is genuine. There was a faint pause. I could see his thoughts transition in his face, "so, how are you?"

"I'm okay. I was sad yesterday, angrier today, but sad now, I guess... I don't know." I feel the tears starting to surface.

"I'm sorry this has happened to you. You don't deserve it."

"You didn't need to fight him." I respond.

"He deserved it. He's an asshole and he hurt you."

"He's a good person who's made a mistake."

"You aren't seriously taking his side right now." He replies

"No. But, you didn't need to attack him, a single punch would've sufficed." I state looking at the ground.

"He hurt one of my favourite people on this planet. You don't deserve this pain, and I wasn't going to just let him get away with it."

"Well, thank you." I give him one last hug then head back home.

I don't know how I feel about it. Like, I do appreciate his care for me. However, I didn't think our friendship was at that level where it makes this all okay. He shouldn't have attacked him. We're close, but not that close. Todd was an asshole, and as much as I wanted to beat him up myself, he didn't deserve it. I hate myself for defending him just a little bit, but I have to own up to the truth. 

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