Chapter 7

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On the weekend, I met Todd at Mount Pin and we went on a hike. Once we reached the top, we sat on the bench, admiring the view, and his dog Chewy adventured around.

"So," I said.

"So." He replied.

"I want to talk about your decision about university. I don't think it should be based on my decision. You know I care deeply for you, and that I'm falling for you. So, you know that without a doubt I will do anything to try and make the relationship work." I turned to him. He looked a little shock at first, but then I saw it. I saw his realization. Face to face.

"You're right," he goes on, "I know that I shouldn't have put that kind of pressure on you. But the only reason I wanted to stick with you or be as close to you as possible is because I'm afraid of losing you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I honestly wouldn't forgive myself if I lost you."

"You're not going to lose me."

"You don't know that."

"And you don't know that you will."

"Ainsley," he sighs, "you are one of the most beautiful girls in school. Once you're off to uni, all the guys will be falling for you. I can't compete with that."

"Why would my attention be a competition." I snap. It was the only part that stood out to me in that sentence. I feel guilty for not appreciating the fact that he finds me beautiful, but it doesn't matter. It's always a competition with him.

"I didn't mean it like that." He retracts.

"No, you did." I stand up, "It's always a competition for you. For once, I don't want to hear anything about competing or some prize or victory. These are my feelings. My pure emotions."

"Please sit down."

"No. We go through this all the time. I know it's your nature as an athlete, but I am an athlete too. These aren't just references or metaphors anymore, it's you."

"I don't understand why you are getting so upset. You know me, you know how I talk, this isn't new. I didn't mean to put your attention as a prize, I'm sorry." He stares down at his shoes. It's quiet for a while and all we can hear is Chewy's panting. I take a moment and gaze at his shoes with him. His red, worn down, ankle-high converse. It takes me back to a memory from when we first met.

I was booking out the change room and onto the field because it was the first home opener of the season. I was so nervous as I was put into the starting line up that I completely lost all peripheral vision and ran smack into this cute boy.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry!" I said as I caught my balance.

"Hey, all good," he lightly chuckled, "first game?"

"First game starting." I say as I look down to his shoes, "nice shoes. Red is a sick colour for converse."

"Yeah, it's my favourite colour." We meet up, eye to eye, and everything stops. Wow, was he gorgeous. His light brown eyes were so soft my heart melted.

"Good luck out there, uhh-"

"Ainsley." I say as I stick out my hand. "Number 12 if you're watching the game."

"Ha, good to know. Well Ainsley, I'm Todd," he rips a page out of his book and starts writing, "my number. If you want to go out sometime." He slyly hands me the paper with a cheeky grin.

"We'll see about that." I say as I take the paper and bolt for the field. Little did I know that that was the moment that would change my high school experience forever.

I tap back into reality, not knowing how long I zoned out for. Chewy was then sitting at Todd's feet and he pats him on the head. I then bend down so I become eye level with him. I grab his face in both my hands and plant a soft kiss on his right cheek then look him back into his eyes.

"You are not going to lose me. I promise," there's slight silence, "unless you fuck up of course."

He laughs, "I won't. I promise."

We get up and make our way back down the mountain. He drives me home and I kiss him goodbye. I then join my parents in the backyard who are having wine while sitting next to the fire pit. I catch them up on my love life and we end up talking about Survivor for an hour. My dad was behind on the episodes and just learnt his favourite player got voted out, he was grieving. 

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