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"Hey, you." Kurt smiled at the sweet voice and the arms wrapped tightly around his waist from behind. He had always been wary of public affection and quickly tensed afterward, gently pulling himself from his boyfriend's arms. Blaine understood why he did it, but it still hurt.

"Blaine, hi," he replied. Seeing his barely masked face of rejection, Kurt pulled his boyfriend into a hug, lazily dangling his arms over his shoulders, and gliding his finger across his back.

Blaine loved Kurt's hugs. He just felt naked without them. He nuzzled his face into Kurt's neck, just breathing in his scent. He had had a nasty week, but being with Kurt made him feel whole. Knowing this was long enough, Blaine reluctantly pulled away.

"We've talked about this, Blaine, we can't fuel the fire."

"I know," he said, looking to the floor. "I know," he repeated softer.

"So, how was math?" The taller boy asked, trying to change the subject, lifting Blaine's chin with his forefinger.

Kurt looked into his golden eyes and practically swooned. He took into account the fact that Blaine's hair wasn't caked in unnecessary amounts of hair gel, as he insisted on having it ninety-nine percent of the time. Kurt always loved it like this; it looked more fluffy- cuter, rather than hotter.

"Boring." It was true, although he could barely focus with Karofsky burning holes in the back of his head with a cold, hard glare the whole time. "You weren't there."

"I know... Sorry... There's nothing I can do. You're the math whizz. I wish I could switch to your class, but at least we're in the same school now..." he trailed off, his eyes landing behind Blaine's head.

Blaine followed his gaze, but before he had time to blink, he'd heard a loud bang, and Kurt was holding his shoulder.

"Spread your fairy dust somewhere else, Lady! Oh, sorry. Ladies."

Blaine barely had time to register Karofsky grabbing the perfectly styled hair on his head and slamming it into the locker door. Blaine grunted in pain, desperately clutching where his head had made impact. "Let go of me, Karofsky!" Blaine yelled, regretting trying to yank himself free when David grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.

"Stop! You're gonna break his arm!" Kurt all but screamed, tears of anger streaming down his face. He hated Karofsky for this. He hated himself for bringing Blaine here. Blaine had already dealt with his bullies, he shouldn't have to deal with it again.

The giant-esque asshole leaned down to Blaine's height and whispered in his ear, "you fairies better watch your backs. This is only just the beginning." Blaine was thrown back on the floor, his head making impact first and smacking the linoleum, ricochetting off the floor and smacking it again.

"Oh my god. Blaine?" Kurt looked over at him on the floor adjacent to him asking him if he was okay.

"'M fine," he replied, coldly.

Kurt knew he was angry. Blaine had always had difficulty controlling his anger. He tried to help Blaine off the floor.

"I said I'm fine!" Blaine snapped. Kurt knew better than to feel attacked by Blaine's anger. If anything, he just felt more sorry for him.

Blaine slowly dragged himself to his feet. When he was fully standing, he swayed a little. Kurt caught the man just as his knees buckled and he was about to hit the deck. Kurt's heart ached for the man. He knew that this was killing him inside.

Kurt had thought he was done.

He was wrong. Blaine was fuming.


Hey guys!

Leaving chapter one on a little cliffhanger for you there! Hope you enjoyed reading. 

If you enjoyed this and you're new here, please feel free to check out my other book full of Klaine Oneshots :)

Stay Groovy!

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