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Burt Hummel was lying awake in his bed with his wife. They had both been tossing and turning, but had given up on sleep. He sprinted faster than he ever had before, even as an ex- football player, to the phone, which was ringing.



Burt couldn't find words. It was him.

"Blaine? Is that you?" Carole's ears pricked and she made her way to the phone as fast as she could.

"Yes, Burt, it's me." The man was smiling so hard, he thought his face was going to split in two.

"Oh my God, you're both okay? Where's Kurt? Can I please speak to him?"

Burt's heart dropped as he heard Blaine's shaky intake of breath.

"Blaine, where is he? Where is my son?"

"He's in the hospital, Sir. He- He..." he heard Blaine give up, with a ragged sigh and then some shuffling on the line.

"Mr Hummel?" He was surprised by the English accent on the other side of the phone.


"My name is Daisy Jones. I'm a transfer paramedic from West Lima Hospital. Your son, Mr Anderson, and a Mr Karofsky were kidnapped. I-"

"Where's Kurt? What's happened to Kurt?"

"I'm afraid to say that he was shot in his upper left thigh by one of his assailants. He's alive, but we can't-"

She suddenly paused, scaring Burt. He heard some indistinct radio noise, followed by a happy sigh and Blaine's laughter, which sounded like relief.

"That was news from the hospital... He's going to live. He's going to be okay. He's asleep and on heavy painkillers, scheduled for surgery. He's going to be okay."

"Thank you! Thank you so much. West Lima. Thank you." Carole snatched the phone from him.

"Blaine? Are you okay?" Burt grinned. She had always liked that boy.

"I'm fine. I was just scared. I am cold, though." Carole grinned. "Will you meet us at the hospital?"

"Of course. We'll be on our way soon." She was about to hang up, when Blaine stopped her.

"Uhm, Carole!" She raised the phone back to her ear again.


"Can you please let Rachel and Mercedes know what's happened to him and uhm... bring me a change of clothes?" he asked, turning red in the cheeks.

"Of course and why? Where's yours?"

"They drenched me with freezing water. And my shirt is wrapped around Kurt's leg to stop the bleeding." She smiled proudly at Burt.

"Of course I can, hun. Listen... Thank you so much for doing that."

"He saved his life, Ma'am."

"I hope you understand how important you are to us all, especially Kurt. We love you, Blaine. We're your family. You're a son to Burt and I and a brother to Finn. We love having you in our family and in our home. Thank you so much for making Kurt smile again. He was so miserable before he met you. Thank you." Carole was close to tears and Blaine sniffed.

"You honestly have no idea how much it means to me to hear that. I've never had an adult tell me that they love me. Ever."

"What do you mean, honey?"

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