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BANG! Kurt was against the lockers... again, having hit his forehead. He gasped but didn't dare tend to it. He could feel the blood slowly trickle down his face. A figure towered over him. No escape. "I saw what you did." Kurt didn't understand. This wasn't Karofsky. It was still one of his goons, but it was usually only ever Karofsky or Azimio who would attack him. His mind started racing. Did this mean that it was going to be getting worse from then on?

"What? What did I do?" 'Pull yourself together! DO NOT CRY!'  he thought, scanning his surroundings. Empty. The hallways were empty. Then it clocked; everyone else was in class.

"I saw you and your little boy toy in the choir room," the figure spat.

"What? Jealous?" Kurt replied, cockily. 'I must have a death wish.'

"No!" he retorted.

Kurt raised an eyebrow. 'Seriously, Kurt, what are you doing?!' His brain was screaming at him.

"Look, you little shit! We got your little butt buddy yesterday. You got off easy. Now it's your turn," he seethed, wrapping his hands around his victim's throat, pulling and pulling the slight man up the lockers.

Feeling his feet leave the ground, Kurt panicked, kicking and clawing at the huge bully in front of him. But it was no use. This guy was strong. Kurt was running out of energy. He was tired. His eyes started to flutter shut.

"If I see you doing that disgusting shit again... I will kill you," he growled. A tsunami of fear washed over Kurt. He'd had threats before, but this?


Before he could register anything, he was on the floor, gasping for air, face bright red, coughing so much that there was no time to speak. The sudden burst of that vital oxygen hit like a tidal wave and it burned Kurt's lungs in its wake. Finn was hitting The Mystery Guy in a manner no one could have guessed he was capable of, whilst Blaine rushed over to Kurt, embracing him, telling him that it was going to be okay. Once Mystery Guy had landed a punch on Finn and run away, Finn had decided that he had done enough. Most of the Glee clubbers who had piled out of the classroom were standing in shock, with Puck trying to calm down Finn, and Rachel, Mercedes, and Blaine tending to Kurt. Kurt and Blaine just dismissed the others, and sat up against the lockers, staring into space in utter horror. They just had no idea what to do.

"You're okay. Everything is going to be fine."

Some teachers had walked past the couple during the entire hour they were there, but they had been shooed off with the assurance that our exam stress was at its peak, which they seemed to believe. They just nodded and walked away.

The teachers didn't care. Apart from one.

"Kurt? Blaine? What's wrong?"

"Exam stress- it's nothing," Kurt leaned into Blaine whom he was sitting in front of, as Kurt sat between his legs. You almost couldn't tell which limb belonged to which person.

"Stress isn't nothing. If your stress is causing you to be this upset, then you need to see someone. Especially if it means missing lessons. Lack of preparedness makes you even more stressed. What about Miss Pillsbury?"

And so return the wise words of Mr. William Schuester.

Kurt sighed and looked down, Blaine's thumbs lazily drawing circles on Kurt's torso. "Guys..." he sighed. "The Glee Girls told me what happened. We need to talk about this, guys. Starting from the beginning."

No one spoke. The boys didn't even acknowledge what Mr. Schue said. But they knew he was right. Schuester lent a helping hand to the couple and dragged them into his office. The two teens told him everything to do with Karofsky and Azimio, plus the Mystery Jock, whose name turned out to be Eddie. If they were gonna get through this, they needed help. Blaine sighed. 'I guess I'm not gonna get to talk to Karofsky after all'.


The more of these chapters I post, the more I hate myself for doing so.

That is all.

(Sorry guys I'm just not feeling very groovy)

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