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Blaine tried.

He tried with every ounce of his body to stop himself. He was tired of being the freak everyone said he was. Blaine was a boxer through and through. And it just so happened that he was damn good at it.

Blaine hated this side of himself. It was ugly and aggressive, fast and ruthless. All of the primitive qualities that he had tried to hide from Kurt. Blaine had never tried to make himself look small, but he had always been afraid to unleash his inner fury. Because believe you me, he had plenty of it.

The man was breathing heavily, trying desperately to cleanse himself of his anger, clenching and releasing his fists by his side. Blaine looked over to Kurt to try and calm himself down. He swept his gaze over his soft face, eyes eventually landing on his lips. Then something caught his attention. There was a scab forming over his bottom lip from yesterday's assault. Blaine could feel it. He could feel darkness and light swirling in the pit of his stomach. It was no use. Darkness won.

Snapping his head over to his assailant, Blaine charged at the offender with all he had. No one touches Kurt.

Kurt just gawked at his boyfriend in a confusion of disgust and awe. He knew that Blaine had had a rough past and was quick to anger, but this was truly something else. Kurt had no idea how he was supposed to feel. On one hand, Karofsky had attacked them. But on the other, no one deserved to endure what Blaine wanted to do to the bully in front of him.

Blaine's punch was the first to fly, knocking Karofsky off his feet. He knelt on top of him, and with the more hits he landed on Kurt's bully's face, the more he felt the need to carry on. He couldn't stop. With every punch, David's face morphed into Blaine's father's. A white-hot rage engulfed Blaine. Every swing was revenge for a different attack from the man who dared to refer to himself as "Blaine's dad". But then something changed, like someone had flipped a switch. He heard that voice. That one voice that could pull him out of anything. Kurt.

"Blaine! Stop! Please, Blaine! This isn't like you! This isn't you!"

The voice was right. This wasn't him. This was his father. Blaine's blood cooled at the thought. 'My father.' He shivered. The one person he didn't want to be. 'My father.' He then realised, as a scream brought him back to reality, that he had let his brain slip. 'Focus, Blaine. What did you teach at the Dalton fight club? What can you remember? ... Nothing...'

Blaine heard a high pitched ringing in his ears and felt a hard jab to his abdomen, then to his throat.

"David! Stop it! Please! You're hurting him!" Blaine was gasping for air. That last punch had sealed the deal. No breath, no fight. He pressed his palms flat to the floor, trying to feel the cool linoleum beneath him. He was coughing, spluttering, wheezing, panicking. He had to calm down and get his breath back in case Karofsky wanted round two.

But Karofsky had stopped. Blaine's mind started racing. What was he waiting for?

Finally regaining his breath, Blaine kept his face down, slowly searching the floor for Kurt's shoes. Realising there had to be about 100 pairs, he slowly picked himself up and pushed himself to his knees, embarrassed. He didn't like this. It felt far too familiar.

'Kurt. Where's my Kurt?'

Blaine's heart broke ever so slightly when he saw one of David's evil henchmen holding him back. He dragged his eyes to meet Kurt's and immediately regretted it. They looked so sad and betrayed. Kurt had been laying low and avoiding conflict for two years now, and Blaine had ruined it in less than a month. Blaine stared at David, willing him to get Dummy Number Two to let him go, and to everyone's surprise, he did. "Let him go, Azimio," Karofsky said firmly. Only Azimio had heard his friend whisper, "I want to watch this touching reunion."

Blaine didn't have time to think on it, because in a split second, Kurt was next to him, squeezing until he could hardly breathe, and the crowd was dissipating as if it was never there. It felt good to have Kurt in his arms. "Oh my God, are you okay?" Kurt's thumb brushed over his cheek, and Blaine noticed that a few stray tears paved their way down his beautiful lover's cheeks. Blaine's nose was bloody, and his eyes were drooping, but he didn't care. He just pulled Kurt close, lulling 'Shhhhhhh. I'm okay. You're okay. We're okay.'


So, my loves, that concludes chapter 2. I hope you liked it. Please please please don't forget to vote and comment, as it really keeps me motivated during these dark times. 

I love you all and I'll hopefully post chapter 3 soon. 

Stay Groovy!

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