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lol sorry I fucked up with the order on this one. This actually chapter 10, and '10' is chapter 9. This is the order it's meant to be in. I'll leave the titles the same so you know if you've read it already.

"Out of the sea. Wish I could be. Part of that world," blared from the TV. The boys had no idea how many times they had watched The Little Mermaid, but it was Blaine's favourite. So, many, many times.

"Blaaaaiiiineeeyyy?" Kurt called from the opposite side of the couch to Blaine, who huffed in mock annoyance.

"Yeees, Kurt?" he asked, but Kurt didn't reply. Blaine chuckled quietly when Kurt made grabby hands towards him.

"Alright," he sighed, as he crawled from one side of the sofa to the other and placed himself on top of Kurt, not resting any weight on him. Kurt pulled Blaine down onto him in order to feel closer. Caught off guard, Blaine fell and landed heavily on Kurt, an 'oof' escaping the taller boy's lips. "See? That was a bad idea, wasn't it?" he playfully scolded, Kurt letting himself laugh.

"Yes it was," he breathed in between laughter, "it definitely was."

"I'm heavy, that's why you're always on top," he giggled.

"Well, we can fix that." Blaine took his cue, and in one swift motion flipped them over, so Kurt was resting on top of Blaine. They both let out little happy sighs. Balance was restored.

Kurt loved laying like this; his head rested on his boyfriend's chest, just listening to his heartbeat. But he just couldn't get Blaine's eye and nose off his mind. His nose had been set at the hospital and was just a matter of time before it healed. But his eye? It was nothing like it had been. The swelling had gone down considerably, and Blaine was finally able to open it. Worryingly, the damage was still quite apparent - it was always bloodshot and nasty looking. It was a disgustingly powerful punch that George had packed. Luckily, Blaine's eyes were closed, so there were no scratches. The hospital staff were horrified when Blaine first walked in. Kurt pushed himself up on his boyfriend's chest and just stared.

"Kurt, I know what you're doing."

"I just really think that you should talk to me about your dad-"

"No, Kurt," he sighed as he spoke.

"Blaine, you can't bottle up your feelings."

"Kurt. Drop it. Now."

"I'm just trying to help and you know it. You can't wish your feelings away."

"I don't do feelings."

"I know that's not true." Blaine stewed in silence. "You, Blaine Anderson, are a beautiful person. I love you. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to change that."

Blaine opted to keep his mouth shut and avert his gaze. He loved Kurt too. He really did. But he just felt like if they carried on talking he was going to explode.

"I can see you're hurting. I don't want you to hurt, Blaine."

Blaine's anger melted. Kurt was just trying to help, and Blaine knew that. It was just a painful experience that Blaine didn't feel he could relive right now. He huffed a sigh and flicked his eyes back to his boyfriend's face.

Sensing Blaine had forgiven him for prying, Kurt bent down and lightly kissed Blaine's forehead.

"I love you too, Kurt."

He pushed up on his arms so he was leaning up and kissed up his boyfriend's neck. Kurt's eyelids fluttered shut, and he moaned lightly in response.

"You are so beautiful and perfect." Kurt giggled in response.

"I get it from you."

Blaine belly laughed in response. "That's not how-!"

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