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Hey guys. Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger, but here you go. Have some niceness :)


"Nothing's gonna harm you," Kurt began to sing shakily, letting his head thud softly on the wall behind him. "Not while I'm around."

Finally, a moment of stillness. It was almost like he had hit a switch, like Blaine had been shocked out of his panic. The only sound was Blaine's slowing but still heaving breath. It was working. Kurt took another breath, fixing his gaze on what he wanted to be Blaine's eyes. But Blaine was turned away from him, so he could only see the back of his head. He just needed to see his face.

"Nothing's gonna harm you, no sir, not while I'm around."

David couldn't help but stare at the pair in fascination. He realised that he had never actually heard Kurt sing before. It was beautiful. Clear as a bell. He was speechless.

"Demons are prowling everywhere nowadays."

"I'll send 'em howling. I don't care. I got ways."

Blaine squeezed his eyes shut tight. He felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders and chest - like he could breathe again. 'Good memories, Blaine. All you have to do is think of happiness.'

"No one's gonna hurt you, no one's gonna dare."

Kurt was growing worried. He had never had to try this before.

"Others can desert you, not to worry, whistle I'll be there,"

He silently begged Blaine to look at him. He just needed to see his eyes. Those eyes. It was almost as if Blaine held the secrets of the world in those eyes. Kurt could almost always tell what he was thinking with just one look into the honey/ amber orbs. Kurt just needed to know Blaine was okay.

"Demons'll charm you with a smile, for a while,"

"But in time..."

Blaine's breathing was almost back to normal now, his eyes glassy.

"Nothing can harm you."

He looked back to Kurt, catching his eyes immediately. Yes. Safety.

"Not while I'm around."

"Kurt I'm so sorry."

"Shh, it's okay. Don't be."

"Kurt, I love you so much."

"I know, I love you too."

"Blaine?" called a weak voice from the other side of the room, surprising them both. Blaine shivered. It made him uneasy to see David Karofsky crying. The bully needed to confess some things. But he just couldn't look them in the eyes. "I am so sorry. What I did to you, to both of you, was unforgivable. I wanted to stop but I was scared of the others. They threatened me. But there's no excuse. I'm sorry. I truly am sorry."

"Karofsky..." Blaine hung his head. "I can't forget what you did."

"I know."

"If I'm honest, I don't think I can forgive you either," he reasoned.

"Blaine-" Kurt tried to chastise him but was cut off by Karofsky.

"No, he's right. You shouldn't forgive me. You should be furious. You should hate me. If I'm honest, it would be weird if you forgave me. I have done nothing to earn it other than bitch about my life."

"We'll get there, Karofsky," Blaine uttered. He couldn't understand how Kurt had just forgiven the asshole that fast for what he had done. The nerve of him to ask for forgiveness this soon. But at least he could see that he was genuinely sorry. That was a start.

"I do have one last confession though,"

"Oh, good, this is gonna go well," Kurt butted in, knowing what Karofsky was going to say.

"I kissed Kurt."


"Woah, woah, woah! Let me explain!"

"You are walking on thin ice, Karofsky. Actually, you know what? You are driving a 12-tonne tanker over ice half an inch thick."

"You have to let me explain."

"Oh, do I? This should be rich," he remarked sarcastically.

"I'm in love with him," Karofsky confessed, fighting every urge to wistfully gaze at Kurt.

"You're what now?" Blaine's nostrils flared. Mine. My Kurt. You can't have him.

"Look, I would never dream of taking Kurt away from you. You're so good together. You love each other, I can see that. This is something I'm going to have to get over by myself."

"So help me god, Karofsky, if I wasn't in these fucking chains, you'd be looking at me through a swollen eye!"

"Like yours, Blaine?" Kurt interrupted.

Blaine was shocked. His eyes found Kurt's. He knew what he was saying. That he was behaving badly, just like his father. That he was threatening to do exactly what had killed Blaine inside. He was shocked into silence. And hurt. That was a shitty thing to say. Blaine could tell his own resolve was faltering. He tried to put up an intimidating facade, but couldn't seem to do it.

He could still speak, though, even if his words didn't match his body language.

"Kiss Kurt again and I will end you," Blaine added, eyes narrowing.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you haven't already."

"Trust me, if I wasn't in these," Blaine began, looking at the metal assholes holding him against the wall, "then I would have done. You're lucky that I practise my boxing on punching bags instead of you."

"You box?"

"Best kid in the state. Not so weak, now, am I?"

"You could have killed me. Why didn't you?"

Blaine sighed, feeling Kurt's eyes boring into the side of his head. Blaine knew that Kurt was good for him. He brought him back down to earth. What could he say? Heaven calms the hell.

"It's not who I am. I know I lashed out, but I'm not a violent person." Kurt and Blaine shared a look. 'Yes, Blaine,' he thought. 'A step in the right direction.' "But I won't let people fuck with me. Ever again." 'Yup, there it is.' Kurt rolled his eyes. 'My hero.'

A comfortable silence filled the room, for a while. Suddenly something dawned on Kurt.

"Hey, what's the time?" he asked the room.

"No idea."

"I'll check." Blaine went to move his wrist in the rusty metal restraints. It was way harder than expected. He grunted with the effort. "They're so... tight." He pushed again, managing a small rotation and gasping when he suddenly felt pain in his wrist. He wasn't stopping now. He grunted with the effort of doing something as stupid as turning his wrist. His arms had been above his head for a good few hours by now, and he could barely feel them. Finally managing to see most of his watch face, he tried to make out the time in the low light. Only when he managed to read it did he see the slow trickle of blood down the inside of his arm. 'Damn!' He must have caught it on some rust on the metal cuff.

"Wow, it's uh two in the morning. Kurt, what about your dad? Our friends? We've been missing for almost eleven hours."

"Oh my god... my dad. Rachel. Mercedes. Shit."


Please don't kill me 

Stay Groovy!

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