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I have writer's block I am so sorry


"Where the hell is my son?!" Burt yelled to Finn. "You're his brother, you're supposed to protect him!"

"Why are you yelling at me? It's not my fault! Since you and my mom have been together, I have been nothing but protective over him. Even Puck's the same! If I had any idea where he was, I'd go and find him myself."

"Burt, I just got off the phone with Sam. Blaine is missing, too." Rachel informed him, jogging back into the room.

"Missing like not answering the phone?"

"Missing like not at his house or answering the phone... and his and Kurt's cars are both still at the school."

And in that moment, Burt suspected that one of his worst nightmares had come true. Either they had run off somewhere together... or some asshole had his son. Desperately searching his mind, a memory stirred. Like words spinning around his head.

Blaine had been talking to him about teaching Kurt about sex.

He mentioned a '59 Chevy that he built with his dad. Those cars were beautiful and hard to come by. And the sentimental value alone? Blaine would never abandon such a beautiful machine.

"Listen, here," he rudely addressed no one in particular, "my son and his boyfriend are missing. This is obviously some sort of hate crime! I have lost his mother. He is all I have left of her and I refuse to lose him too."

"Please, Burt, calm down," reasoned Carole. "You have to think of your heart."

"There are more important things-!" he exploded, but Carole wasn't having it.

"We know that they were last seen at the school, right? So, are there any security cameras in the car park?"

"Yes," he answered tearfully, voice breaking.


"I asked earlier. Sue won't let us see them. She says that it has to be police who check them and they won't do it until there's proof that they have been taken or it's been forty-eight hours.."

"Burt, it's been ten and a half hours. I don't think that they're going to be coming back if they can." Burt's head drooped, like a wilted flower. He was imagining the worst. All he could see in his head was his son, broken, bruised and bloodied. Then again, Blaine had said that they didn't go at Kurt. Blaine. God, would they kill him? They had done a damn good job of trying before.

"Blaine said he was going to fix this."

"Burt, you knew?" Carole gasped, shocked her husband could keep something like this a secret from her.

"They attacked him before. His broken nose? That was them. I told him that I wanted to go to the cops. I wanted them in prison, forever! But he begged me. Carole, he begged me to let him try to sort it out himself first." Burt laughed humourlessly. "He didn't want to ruin the kid's life."

Burt swallowed hard. He felt like a failure. Blaine had come from a broken home, and he came to him. Burt was supposed to protect him, as he would Kurt. And he failed. Just like he failed to keep Elizabeth happy.

"What the hell was he thinking? Karofsky could have easily overpowered him. Have you seen the size of the guy?" Finn butted in.

"Actually, Blaine could take him," he trailed off thoughtfully. He could take solace in that at least. That Blaine had an advantage in a big way. But if there were more than one?

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