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As promised, this is when shit goes sideways... again. Prepare for more violence. And remember, Blaine is not quite how you know and love him. He's... different.

lol sorry  I fucked up with the order on this one. This is actually chapter 9, and '9' is chapter 10. This is the order it's meant to be in. I'll leave the titles the same so you know if you've read it already.


As Kurt walked down the halls, terrified and holding the hand of an overwhelmingly proud Blaine Anderson, he felt queasy.

Something wasn't right. His white shirt wasn't stained with food dye. He wasn't bleeding. He didn't understand why, and so cowered behind Blaine.

'Something is wrong. Where are they? Are they gonna hurt me again? Are they gonna hurt Blaine again?'

Blaine, however, had a different way of thinking; he was more naive. 'Maybe they have stopped. And so they should! Kurt is a wonderful, beautiful human being. Everyone should love him. I love him.'

He was pulled out of his contemplation, however, by Kurt stopping abruptly and silently.

"Kurt, are you okay?" Blaine asked, which was a stupid question. 'Of course he's not okay,' he thought. He noticed that he was looking straight ahead, and Blaine's heart dropped when he found out why. David Karofsky was strolling towards us with his burly bestie, Azimio.

What genuinely terrified Kurt and Blaine was that they wordlessly grabbed them both and tore their hands apart, causing them to both yelp and struggle for release. The smaller boys were casually tossed into the choir room and the doors were blocked and locked by the two football imbeciles. Struggling to scramble back to their feet, Kurt stood small behind Blaine, who puffed his chest and stood tall. He would take no shit today. Kurt fisted the back of Blaine's shirt, crumpling it in his hands. He hated that he was hiding. Blaine placed his right hand protectively on Kurt's right hip as if he was steadying him behind him.

No one hurts my Kurt.

"What are you going to do to us?" Kurt questioned. Both of the threatened boys recognised this situation and braced themselves for the worst.

"Calm down, shitheads, we wanted to apologise to you." The curly-headed and the taller, leaner boy looked at each other in confusion with a disbelieving look of their faces, which loosely resembled a snarl. Blaine could feel Kurt's panic rising and grabbed Kurt's hand, holding it behind his back and rubbing it. He needed to comfort Kurt, but he didn't want to give these assholes ammunition, so decided subtlety was for the best. They remained in that position. Azimio looked away, but David marvelled at their ease with each other and their close proximity.

"After all you've done, you wanted to apologise? Why now?" As Kurt questioned David, in the manner of his usual sassy self, Blaine stared Azimio down. He was trying to hide a smirk (badly, he might add).

"We can go back to kicking your asses daily if you'd prefer."

Endless possibilities and scenarios whooshed through Blaine's head, leaving him dizzy with confusion. He even swayed and almost fell. Luckily, his boyfriend caught him just before he collapsed. "Blaine? Blaine, what's wrong? Blaine, answer me!"

But he couldn't answer him. He knew that they were planning something. He couldn't explain it, he could just feel it. Why would they even apologise in the first place? What was with that hidden smirk? Something was wrong and Blaine was going to find out what. But he couldn't tell Kurt. If he told Kurt, Kurt would panic and he didn't want his boyfriend to be any more scared than he already was. Blaine shook his head and stood up straight in Kurt's worried arms, which matched his worried face.

"Blaine, what's up with you?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"Blaine, you can te-"

"I said I'm fine, Kurt!" he suddenly yelled. Blaine ripped himself out of Kurt's arms and stormed out, leaving a confused Kurt and a pleased David Karofsky.

'Perfect,' David thought, as Azimio slinked out of the room, unbeknownst to Blaine.

Blaine angrily stormed down the hallway of McKinley. He was aware that he had snapped at Kurt, but he couldn't help it. He was furious. What annoyed him even more, was that he was annoyed at himself, not Kurt, but he still shouted at his beloved boyfriend. Why? Because he didn't want Kurt or Karofsky or Azimio to see him weak. He liked that Kurt thought of him as his big, brave boyfriend, who could always protect him. But Blaine had realised that he couldn't always protect Kurt- not against more than two or three of those assholes who were twice his height and probably double his body and muscle mass.

Then Blaine realised that he had made a fatal mistake. He had left Kurt alone with Karofsky and Azimio. His eyes widened and he stopped in his tracks. "Kurt..." he whispered. "Kurt?" he called out, at normal volume now. "Kurt!"

Blaine darted back to the choir room without looking where he was going. He regretted it, however, when he bumped into a tall wall of football player.

Blaine, like a deer in headlights, froze once he recognised the face.

"Now, where might you be going, Fairy Number Two?" Eddie asked, grabbing the smaller boy by the collar of his shirt and slamming him up against the lockers adjacent to them. and forcing his face so close to Blaine's that he could smell the bigger boy's foul breath and clearly see the extent of his awful dental hygiene. Blaine scowled.

"I knew it! I knew something was up! You guys were never really going to leave Kurt alone, were you?"

"We are gonna leave Hummel alone. You, however... Well, you're a different story." Blaine turned his head away from Eddie in disgust.

"Fine. Do what you want with me, but don't touch Kurt," he warned.

"Feisty one, you are!"

"Yeah, thanks, Yoda!"

"I don't need your sarcasm, Fairy!" he yelled, slapping Blaine on his cheek, which only infuriated him more. "Just do everything we say and we leave your precious sex toy alone. If you don't... you have no idea what we're capable of."

Blaine shuddered. What were they capable of?

"Okay, okay. I'll do whatever you want. Please just put me down."

Eddie dropped Blaine onto the floor, sneering at him. Using what could have been his only opportunity, Blaine bounced to his feet, sweeping the bully's legs from beneath him, twisting his arm behind him, and squeezing around his neck with the crook of his elbow, all in one slick more.

"Hey, there's one thing I forgot to mention." Blaine paused, squeezing tighter around the assailant's neck and bringing his lips close to the other guy's ear. "I can kick your ass half-blind. You really don't want to fuck with me." Blaine gave the arm in his left hand another little twist, revelling in the screams that left Eddie's mouth and the satisfying crack that came from his arm. Blaine threw him to the floor, smirking as he stalked away. No remorse. That asshole had it coming.

"You're gonna fucking pay, Anderson. I swear to god, I'm gonna take you down."

"Oh, I would just love to see you try."



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