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Okay, so THIS is where it all goes tits up


"Alright, boys? I have news." The men who had previously been making a lot of noise settled down a little, ready to listen to their new 'fearless leader'. "Slight change of plans. I think that Anderson has told Kurt about our little run-in." Eddie said, trying his best to rouse the boys.

"You wanna know what I think? I think Karofsky has gone soft. So I'm taking over. None of this 'we're leaving Kurt alone' bullshit. I have a new plan. We're doing things my way. So... Who's in?"

Azimio felt conflicted. He hadn't wanted to go to a meeting without David. It felt wrong. But Eddie wasn't wrong. He had gone soft. That needed to change.


It had been another few days since Blaine had opened himself up to Kurt. They were so much happier now. Blaine felt like there had been a weight lifted off his shoulders. He felt calmer, lighter. And he finally had a routine of coming home after school, tousling with his new punching bag (which Kurt would never admit that he really enjoyed watching), have a shower and then just spend time with his boyfriend. Bliss.

The school had called Burt to discuss the broken arm, though. That was a fun conversation. Kurt had defended Blaine. Again, Burt understood where Blaine's rage had come from, but knowing that he had so nonchalantly broken another kid's arm? Self-defence or not, that was a bit extreme for Burt's taste.

Speaking of, the boys still hadn't had any more trouble. Blaine was starting to believe that things really were going to be smooth sailing from then on.

"Blaineeyyyy!" Kurt whined.

"Yes, my love?"

"I left my sheet music in the car. Pwease can you go get it for me?" asked Kurt, pouting adorably.

"Kurt, Glee Club is in five minutes. Can't it wait until next time?"

"Nooo. I have to sing it to you now. It is very important to me!" he pouted, still speaking a childish voice, making Blaine roll his eyes. Blaine was only messing with him. He loved it.

"Alright. Meet me outside the choir room." Smiling ear to ear, Kurt threw his keys to Blaine, who caught them expertly. Blaine perked up a bit and put on his 'Superhero voice'. "I will return, my sweet prince, and I shall bring back the sheets of wonder!" Blaine grabbed the sides of Kurt's face and overdramatically delivered a short kiss, with a 'muah!' sound, which made his boyfriend giggle. "Farewell, oh handsome one!" And with what would have been a flip of his cape, he was off. Kurt sighed. 'My insane boyfriend,' he thought.

Blaine laughed to himself as he walked away from Kurt, towards his Navigator. There was just something about Kurt that made him feel so young and ridiculous. 'I guess that's what love does to a person.' Once he was out of the school building and at the parking lot, Blaine got an odd feeling in his stomach that he just couldn't shake - like he was being watched. Attempting to remain as calm as possible, he opted to dismiss it as his general anxiety from past experiences, and persevere, whistling to himself to break the silence. He had got to Kurt's car and noticed a huge scrape down the doors on the drivers' side.

"Oh my god," he muttered to himself, tracing the line with his finger. 'Shit, Kurt's gonna be furious,' he thought. Not two seconds later he was hit in the back of the head with something and crumpled to the floor.

Kurt was beginning to get nervous.

"Mr Schue-" Kurt interrupted. "I'm worried about Blaine. He only went to get something from the car and it's been twenty minutes."

"Jeez, Anderson, how long does it take?" Puck chipped in.

"Yeah, Kurt, I hear you. Go find him."

He almost ran to his car, panting when he got there. The first thing he saw was the huge line down his doors, cussing as he traced his fingers along it, just as Blaine had. "Oh, fuck you Karofsky." His gaze lifted, looking for more clues, and he realised that the sheet music was still on the seat. "What?" he whispered, noticing his car keys on the ground. "Blaine, where are you?"

Kurt jumped when his phone rang, answering the second he saw Blaine's caller ID.

"Blaine? Thank God! Where are you? You were starting to scare me!"

"KURT! CALL THE POLICE!" Kurt could hear Blaine shout, followed by an agonised scream. Kurt froze, his heart stopping beating, his blood stopping running, his hands in a cold sweat, his head filling with darker and darker thoughts.

"You call the police and I kill him right now," a voice warned, lowly. A chill ran down his spine. Kurt found himself unable to speak. He heard a clicking noise. His blood ran cold. He recognised that sound from watching too many of Blaine's favourite cop shows.

He heard the sound of the safety catch on a gun being taken off.

"Oh my god," he muttered.

The sound of a bullet being chambered echoed through his head, followed by Blaine's pleas of 'No, please, no!' and variations of that getting louder and louder.

"STOP!" Silence. "Please don't hurt him. What do you want?"

"You. Here."

"No, Kurt, don't do it! He has a gun, Kurt!" From Kurt's end of the phone, it sounded like Blaine had been silenced by being hit.

"Stop hurting him!" he cried, feeling his panic rising. "Blaine, honey, please stop it. What do you want me to do?"

"Good girl, Hummel, good girl." Kurt seethed but decided against reciprocating. He still had no idea who was on the other end of the phone. "There will be a white van approaching you. You see it?"


"Good. Get in."

The van pulled up and he stepped inside without a moment's hesitation, kneeling on the floor so as to not fall over in the pitch black when it started to move. "Follow all instructions given to you by the guys in there and you two fairies will live... longer... probably." And then the line went dead. In spite of his best efforts, the van lurched backwards, flinging Kurt forwards, and rolling him into something hard. Kurt had no idea what to expect. But he definitely didn't expect to be greeted by Dave Karofky's tear stricken face and mouth covered with tape.


Stay Groovy!

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