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Just a little filler chapter for you guys where Kurt is being a cocky little shit. I'm gonna post another chapter probably tonight. Enjoy :)


"I'm just saying, Blaine, that Lady Gaga is obviously more iconic and a better performer than Madonna!"

"Nuh-uh! Madonna is far more talented. She has better showmanship and is a classic diva! Definitely better than Gaga!"

The pair loved these kinds of 'debates' and used them as pastimes to get them from one place to the next around school. There was never a winner. Usually, Blaine gave in when they got where they were going, which in this case was the choir room. Even though it had only been four days since they had been to Glee, they always missed it every time they had to leave.

The discussion last night about Blaine and his past had gone relatively smoothly. Did Kurt like that Blaine had a violent streak? Of course not. He hated that Blaine felt so affected by his past. But he loved that Blaine had opened up to him, and told him that he was trying to change. And oh my god did he love the image of Blaine as a boxer. That said, Blaine still hadn't told him about the plan to talk things through with Karofsky.

It was needless to say that everyone had heard of the run-in with the bullheaded bastards who think they own William McKinley High, and as soon as they stepped foot in the room, there was a cacophony of 'Are you okay?'s and 'OMG what happened?'s. Kurt was grateful for his friends, but wished there was a way of turning them off sometimes. He and Blaine like space when they are together, and he found that the Glee kids can make him feel claustrophobic.

"We're fine," Blaine answered, staring at the side of Kurt's head.

Kurt tried to object and panicked slightly when Mercedes, Rachel and Tina pulled him in one direction and Sam, Puck and Artie pulled Blaine in the other, but no one listened.

These are the Glee kids, for god's sakes, what are you afraid of?

"So, Kurt, what's going on with you and Blaine?" Tina asked.

He gasped, shocked. "Nothing that concerns any of you," he replied, wittily.

"Okay, rude," Rachel commented.

"You know what? It's none of your business. I don't like to talk about it because I hate it when other people talk about it. All you guys need to know is that everything's fine with us; there are no fights, no dramas, no nothing." He paused. Then he just couldn't help himself. "I told him I love him." It was blurted out so quickly that even he barely knew what he had said.

"You what, now?" Mercedes questioned.

"I told him I loved him," The girls squealed excitedly, "and he said he loved me back!"

"I said it because it is true," a (not so) mysterious voice said from behind him, wrapping his arms around his skinny waist.

I love it when you do that, Kurt thought.

"Spilling all our secrets are we, Kurt?"

You could practically hear his smirk. "Not all of them..." again, there was a chorus of squeaks. Kurt would have joined in with the girls if Blaine hadn't connected their lips in a sweet little dance.

I like this dance.

Then it got a bit better; the pair started to forget that there were other people in their presence and Kurt turned around to face him. Literally anywhere else in the school, Kurt would never have even entertained the idea of doing this, but in this room, with these people, Kurt had never felt safer.

Fuck it.

Kurt threw his arms around his neck and pulled him closer. The boys revelled in the taste of each other. Blaine's hands gripped Kurt's hips and squeezed. Holy cow!

"Get some, Hummel!"

"Kurt! Blaine! What the hell are you doing?!" Laughing, the couple disconnected themselves from each other. Both of them looked over to Kurt's stepbrother and took a tiny step back from each other. What? Finn was still a Quarterback!

"Is it not obvious, Finn?" Cockblock, Kurt thought. He took another step back from Blaine, a little disappointed that he had to.

"Kurt!" Mercedes scolded.

"Shit, did I say that out loud?"


"Oops?" he replied, coyly, turning crimson, refusing to look at his boyfriend.

"Wow, Hummel, I didn't know you had that in you."

"Oh, Santana." Kurt sighed, whimsically. "There's a lot you don't know about me." He smirked and then walked out of the choir room dramatically, knowing there would be footsteps behind him shortly. He was right, but wrong about who they belonged to.

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