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The Asshole half of the football team (aka Karofsky's minions) were gathered at their local park.

"So, I guess you're probably wondering why you're all here. Am I right?" David questioned. He smirked when there were scattered replies of 'yeah' from his seemingly terrified crew. "Relax, gentlemen, I just wanted to tell you, all of you, to apologise to Kurt Hummel and leave him alone."


"Are you kidding?"

"Dave, you can't be serious!"

"Shut up!" he yelled over them, face turning red. Their attention was grabbed and he was satisfied. "I want you to leave him alone because I have a plan. I have a plan to shut him up for good. We don't go for him. We go for Blaine Anderson."

"Uh-uh. No way. He kicked your ass, Dave."

"Who said you could talk?!" he snapped back. "We'll just make sure to get him with more than one of us. Think about it guys. Go for Kurt, Blaine is pissed and kills us all. Go for Blaine, what's Kurt gonna do? Sing us to death? Did you see him after he lost it? He can fight, but he doesn't want to. I wanna break him." David sneered. "Let's be smart here. We go for Blaine, we tear Kurt down without having to lay a finger on him. And we'll have Kurt wrapped around our little finger. He'll be devastated."

The guys seemed to go along with it, remarking that it seemed like a good idea. All except one.

"Okay." Eddie chipped in. "Okay, but first, we have to stop beating him around so much; we have to make him confused. Then, we all start to apologise. Make sure you all look sincere. He needs to believe us. Then we can start playing with his little boy toy," he spat, disrespectfully, as if the words he spoke left a foul taste in his mouth. "If I know anything about the little Fairy Anderson, it's that he won't tell Kurt because it will 'upset' him- especially if we tell him that his little 'Kurtie- Pie' would be in danger. Anderson will back off and Kurt will be alone. The queers will be driven out of McKinley and it will officially be a no fag zone."

"Eddie... is all that really necessary?" questioned David.

"What, turning into one of them, are we?"

"Obviously not, asshole!" David retorted, almost too quickly. He silently scolded himself, saying that he has got to stop doing that, or people will get suspicious. The burly man, who was the only one brave enough to confront Karofsky, raised an unsure and questioning eyebrow. "Listen, are you guys in or not?"

"Yeah!" they yelled enthusiastically. His heart skipped a beat, as he knew that he was finally in this mess knee-deep. This had all got way more serious than he intended.

He looked over to Eddie. Something was really wrong with that kid - he could just feel it. There was something especially sinister in his sneer. And Karofsky felt an air of uncertainty around him. The kid was volatile. And that made Dave uneasy.


Sorry, this is ridiculously short. I just needed to get this bit on paper (well, screen) and I knew that if I combined this chapter and the next then it would be stupidly long, so here we are. Hope you liked it!

(I'm running out of pre-written chapters oops?)

Stay groovy!

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