Chapter 20.

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Chapter 20

I woke up, trapped in a small cell. Where was I? What happened? I raised up from the cold ground.

" Finally, you're awake," the voice said, all too familiar. A large man, emerged from the dark. Except he wasn't a man. He was a titan, towing about 8 feet over me. I strained my neck to look at him, but I couldn't even see his face clearly from her.

I started to breathe heavily. Why would a titan want to capture me? Why was I even still alive?

" Where is Jay? " I shouted at him.
" Ahh the boy is fine and safe... for now. I keep my promises, Priya Campbell, daughter of Poseidon."
" Don't you dare speak my father's name again!" I shouted, even angrier than before.
"Fiesty huh? Tell me what I want to know and you're free to go."
" I'll never tell you anything."I replied back, stalling and trying to figure out how to get out of here. What did he want to know?
He turned around, now facing me and I could see that his face was covered in burns and his skin looked old.

"Your father did this to me." I couldn't believe him. I didn't want to. I know my father was capable of anything and everything yet I refused to believe that he did it without reason.

"Then he must've had a good reason," I replied.
" Where is he? After he learnt of my attempted attacks, he went into hiding. I want my revenge ," he said angrily.
This made no sense at all to me. Why would Poseidon hide, when he could fight? But I had to stall, until I figured out a way to get out of this hell. Poseidon taught me never to back down from a fight so I refused to believe that he ran.
"You'll never find him. And if you do, he'll make sure to kill you this time," I replied with a smirk.
"Don't make me angry, half-blood . Or you'll regret it."
I sat down on the ground as a sign of defeat.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw that the cell was tied with rope and then locked. I could get out if I just cut the rope. I looked around for my bag but it was no where near me. But the Titan was too close for me to even try to escape.

Think Priya, think. Your life is on the line here.

The Titan left me alone since he knew that I wasn't going to give him answers.

I touched my shoulder since I was still sore from the fall. My quiver appeared, still equipped with arrows. I guess they didn't know about it.
I could stab him with my sword, disguised as my bracelet, and then use the arrow to cut the rope. Please let this work.

Some while later, he came back, this time with a long chain in his hands. What was he going to do with it?
"Since you won't listen to me, I'll have to make you listen," he said, swinging the chain in his hand.
It's now or never. I tapped my bracelet and my sword appeared. I quickly shoved it through the bars and into his thigh but my simple sword was no match to kill him, but at least it distracted him. He fell on the ground at once. I used one of the arrows to cut open the rope, since I didn't have much time before he could get up again.

I opened the cage and pulled my sword out of his led and ran, before he could turn his huge body to follow me. I need to find my bag, but it was a long narrow corridor. I ran until I found the exit, I assume, since my bag was on the ground. I picked it up along with my bow and bolted. However, I ended up the same place, that Jay and I were; almost at the exit. I ran towards it but this time, monsters didn't attack me. Instead, demigods were running after me, trying to catch me. Then I ended up on top, out of where we were, when I was pulled back down and fell flat on my face. I'm sure my nose was broken now.

I woke up but this time my hands were tied to the ceiling with rope and three persons were standing in front of me, with weapons in their hands. They were demigods I assumed, since they looked human and not monster-like.

"Finally awake. Now it's time to have some fun," the one standing in the middle said, flipping his dagger. The other two guys smirked and laughed as he moved closer to me.

Oh come on Priya. You were so close to exiting. Hell, you even exited. You were so close to being with Jay. To going home.

I watched the demigods, making sure not to show any fear in my eyes. However I was extremely scared about what they were going to do. After all, they always told us stories about how many demigods went bad at camp.

"Tell is where you father is, demigod," the middle one replied, only inches away from my face.
"I don't know where he is!!!" I shouted back at him, causing him to pull back.
"Liar. Tell us how to find him and we'll let you go."
" I'll never tell you anything," I replied back, fuming with anger.

He took the dagger and sliced it across my arm. I screamed.
" If you don't tell us, you'll get more where that came from,"
" I'll die before I tell you anything."
"Ah i love when they make it difficult. I have more fun," he said to this two friends before slicing me across my stomach.

They continued torturing me. Blood gushing from all the cuts they made. But I would not tell them. I had a duty to fulfil. And even so, I had no idea where my father was, or even how to find him. I had mo idea why they thought I would know where he was.

After hours of torture and looking down to the ground where there was only red liquid, they finally gave up. My eyes were heavy from the amount of blood loss and I couldn't think straight. My vision was blurry and I could barely speak. I didn't even know if they were still there with me or not, but how much worse could they do to me?

The demigods realised that I was never going to tell them anything.

"Go to hell!" the middle one shouted and turned his back to leave.
" I'm already there!" I shouted back, equally as loud.
He turned around at once, and stabbed me with his dagger, causing me to scream again, from the sudden impact.

"Stop it! Master wants her Alive!" One of the others shouted. They all turned and walked off angrily.

That was the last thing I heard before my vision blacked out.

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