22. W

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3rd P.O.V

Wiya slump in the hug while (Y/N) is having mixed feelings about this turn of events. Carren is nowhere to be found and now this adorable devil is embracing him. 

Oddly enough, (Y/N) did not struggle and simply let her hug him. In addition, he is reluctant to use his free hand to push away. Instead, he wraps his free arm around her upper back and pulls closer. 

Her body jerks lightly as W did not expect (Y/N) to return her hug, despite knowing the other side she showed to him back in the forest. She did half-expected he would lash out subtly about it but, instead, gave her the old kindness she likes. 

Before, anxiety crossed her mind that, what if he abandoned her? 

The man who has shown her the best time in her life, regardless of knowing the unjust desires she has. On the other hand, (Y/N) would not want her to go wild again, as that impacted him greatly. 

[The pain you endured… Did I hurt you too much?] - (Y/N)

He softly asked, earning a gulp from W. Silence followed afterwards as she felt awkward to answer his question due to the conflict they both experienced, which left a disgusting aftertaste to W. 

Injuring her dearest one out of impulse and selfishness, made her churn emotionally as if almost traumatised herself. She had wished to protect him from potential danger, yet, ironically became the harm she despises. 

[Forgive me (Y/N), I couldn't control myself] - Wiya

She said in a low voice, fearing that he would shun her under a different light… the light of hatred. If she could change his view for the cost of someone else's life, she would agree to do so. 

But, she knows (Y/N) would not willing to let others sacrifice for his life anymore, after what he has gone through. (Y/N)'s wish is benevolent, riddled with heavy burdens within. 

The burdens she wants him to share between both of them. Yet again, rather than giving him lovable comforts, she causes drastic hurls to him physically and mentally. 

Plus, life would not stop taking away souls from a hero, which she considered him as one. No matter how hard he tries, people will eventually fall out one by one in any means that destiny has set or changed. 

As he is, the hero of her soul.

[It seems, we both are hurt… but, I'm more concern about you Wiya, it was my mistake for being rash] - (Y/N)

A small crossed his face, in an attempt to dispel the gloomy atmosphere surrounding them. Wiya unwillingly pulled away from the hug to make the conversation easier. 

Breathtaking, each time he looks at her beauty but, that is not why he is attracted to her. The bonds they have, her cheerful and teasing personality, are the factors that caught his eyes and almost caught his heart. He slowly shakes his head to scoff off the thoughts, to remain respectful to his relationship with Filia. 

(Y/N) continues to gaze as she slowly aligns her sight to him, on the verge of eye contact. If it was the old days, she would bother him at some extent to catch his attention. Now the self-repugnance in her heart causes her to glance away from his stare… the feeling of guilt.

A pang hit (Y/N)'s heart after seeing her unusual behaviour, causing him to feel guilt for his own actions as well. He cursed to himself for not able to handle the situations peacefully before, but now he has a chance to do it. 

[Don't look away, I'm missing out the chances to admire your eyes] - (Y/N)

[Cheering me up won't work, and the fault is still on me] - Wiya

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