End of 1st Ark

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3rd P.O.V

In the next morning, (Y/N) is currently staring at the ceiling with his body straight on the bed. In an attempt to ease his injuries and it was not a success. But it is the only way to recover himself, by getting rest. According to his health knowledge, it would take a month to fully close the gapped wounds unless there is a medic nearby or he can do it himself by using a hot iron.

Other than that, there is a constant blaze of desire behind his calm gaze. A contemplation drilling through a series of questions in his mind. Forcing questions on himself to reach for one or more answers that can solve his current problem.

A scene from yesterday replays in his head. Showing Wiya stepping away from him as he does not have an answer to give her. She understands that he needs a little more time to think, and went out of his room afterwards.

To join the Reunion, or not. He is not interested to join the infamous band of infected, but the question about his own survivability cause him to consider Wiya's offer. A dead person cannot reach his or her dream, correct?

[A plan...] - (Y/N)

(Y/N) subtly rubs his chin as a mental draft is in progress. He stopped thinking about it after calculating the risks involved like a jammed printer and tried to make a new one but, it was also bad.

Pros and cons, aka advantages and disadvantages. Two things he needs to consider before reaching for the final decision.

The advantage of joining the Reunion is that he will have a high chance of surviving in his current situation but, other affiliations will see him as hostile. They might misunderstand his intention in doing so.

The advantage of not joining the Reunion is that he might get external help but the chances are low. This is because Chernobog is heavily guarded by the Reunion. In addition, he could roughly guess that this room; the house is located close to the centre. 

The thoughts of Filia's reaction also affected his decisions and gave him mild anxiety. She might be confused about it but, (Y/N) is confident that he can deal with it when the time comes. So, indecisiveness is not an excuse.

While he was busy thinking, (Y/N) could feel a sense of warmth exuded on his left shoulder. Another flash of image cross his eyes, a nostalgia feeling of his step-father's hand comforting him in hard times.

He looks to his left only to find the hand of a different person. A long slender hand belong to a woman, Carren.

[You've been thinking about something? The stress on your face is quite the evident] - Carren

(Y/N) lift his head and met Carren's gaze. The previous haughtiness behind her eyes was no more and now replaced with slight concern. But hidden behind her trained poker face. As if she had undergone social training for agents. Well, in fact, she actually did.

A chuckle slipped out of his mouth as he used his other free hand to slap his own knees. The thought of him mistaken Carren's hand as his fathers were quite funny but he also misses his old man.

[Is it that obvious? Oh well, I don't care if you find out either way, since this involves you as well... Wait, did you change your appearance? Dye your hair?] - (Y/N)

A smirk instantly grew on her face after hearing his words. As if she was liking his idea involving her without knowing even a single word about it yet. Truly, this woman is a thrill-seeker, and (Y/N) did not dislike that reaction.

[No, I didn't dye my hair. This is the natural colour, and my new gears are for my new identity] - Carren

(Y/N) was about to question her intention of changing appearance but decided to go against it because he likes seeing women in armours, regardless of the heavy or light types.

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