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"You do realize, Roman's going to cry right?" Virgil snickered as he glanced over to see Roman glaring at him from the other side of the couch. "It's true. You always cry at Mufasa's death."

"Murder.. and I don't always cry." Roman frowned as he tried to focus on the tv. As much as he didn't want to watch Disney at that moment. He needed a distraction from dark and mysterious over there. Roman would never actually admit it but he's been crushing on Panic at the everywhere since LONG before they even knew his name. When weighing his options, it was either focus on the movie and try to stay out of his headspace or... Focus on Virgil and try not to act like a lovesick moron. Either one doesn't really sound nice at all. 

"Trust me, Roman. You cry every single time." Roman picked his feet up curling slightly as he kept his eyes on the screen. Simba and Nala were singing about Simba becoming king and Roman really wanted to sing along. 

"And how would you know that to be certain?" Logan chimed in with a smirk. "You'd have to be watching Roman during that scene every time we'd watch it." Virgil blushed slightly as he stuck his tongue out at the other. "Well, were you watching Roman every time..."

"Of course not. That's creepy." Virgil shifted awkwardly as he shot the prince a glance noticing how Roman was completely engrossed in the movie by this point. "Oh no. We've lost him." Virgil chuckled as Patton smiled over at them both from his chair. "Somebody call Walt, his brainwashing's caught another victim." Roman barely even heard him. He just leaned against the arm of the couch mouthing along to the words of the movie. He leaned his head against his arm as he relaxed. "Oh wow..." Virgil laughed as he rolled his eyes and turned back to the movie. "He didn't even give me a single comeback. What is it with Disney that makes him shut down?"

"I have no idea. But I thank god every day for it..." Logan jokes as he winks playfully over at the younger who just shakes his head. As the movie reached that one scene with Mufasa, Virgil couldn't help but find himself looking over at Roman again. Sure enough, he was tearing up. Virgil smiled softly as he just watched Roman silently cry while biting the nail of his thumb as Scar calls out 'Long live the king'.

"Like I said... Every single ti..." Virgil clammed up the moment he spotted Roman suck his thumb for about a few seconds before snapping out of thought and pulling his hand away. Roman frowned as he glanced over to see Virgil just staring at him.


"N-Nothing." Virgil snapped back over at the tv as Roman just rolled his eyes and melted back into the movie. Virgil was highly confused. Many times he'd hear Roman giggle as he watched the movie. Sure, that was nothing new. They've all watched Disney during their movie nights but... Virgil glanced back over to see Roman practically sitting there on his knees, eyes shining, with a the brightest small smile he could have had. Virgil jumped as Roman smile instantly fell as he glared at the screen. 

"No." Roman whined as Simba stormed off in anger. "Don' leave." Roman groaned as he fell back against the couch with a pout. "Stupid pwince." Virgil shot Patton a worried look who just shrugged as he turned back to the tv. "You always say sorry. Never figh' an' walk off... dummy."

"Are you ok, Roman?" Roman blinked in silence before giving Virgil a confused look. "You usually don't talk during a movie. You're always too busy watching it."

"Do I? Oops." Roman frowned as he curled up again and started to bit on his thumb before once against forcing it away from him as he shook his head. "Hey, guys. I'm actually really tired. Do you think I can..."

"You sure? You haven't eaten anything." Roman tensed as he looked around at everyone before nodding. "Oh. Ok. Do you want me to bring something up to you?"

"That would be really nice, Pat." Roman smiled softly as he bit his lip. "Grilled cheese?" 

"Grilled Cheese? For dinner?" Roman nodded sheepishly as he tried to avoid everyone's gazes. "Ok. Sure. I'll bring up a grilled cheese for you."

"Ta... Uh... Thanks." Roman cleared his throat as he quickly pushed himself up and rushed out of the room. Virgil just sat there staring after him in shock.

"Ok, I'm not the only one who noticed right?"

"Noticed what?" Logan asked as never once took his eyes off the screen. Virgil just growled as he got up and started for the door. 

"Hey, Kiddo, where are you going?" 

"I'm going to make that stupid prince his sandwich and then I'm going to talk with said stupid prince because there is no way he's just 'tired'. He left a damn Disney movie, guys. How am I the only one that noticed something was off?" Virgil muttered angrily as he stormed out of the room. Patton frowned as he sighed and shook his head.

"You weren't the only one." Patton called out making Virgil roll his eyes.

"Maybe, but I'm the only one that's doing anything." 

"Shoots!" Roman whined as he rushed into the room, quickly shutting the door as he snapped, changing his room, and jumping onto his giant car bed. "Potec' me, scrump!" Roman whined softly as he crawled under his blankets to hide. He didn't know why he was hiding but something just told him he had to. Roman pulled his stuffy in as he hugged it tightly and just sat there with an anxious frown. "Is ok. I ok. Ju' have to wai'. Pat say he's gon'a ma' me sammich." Roman held his toy out in front of him slowly calming down as he smiled. "You wan' sammich? Pat gon'a ma' me a cheese one. Wha?" Roman quirked his brow slightly before laughing. "We watched 'ion King. I know wight? Simba's stupid. He just left his princess after tey fought. When I did tat, my pwince got hur'. I earned no' to do tat. Simba will learn too. When Nala twies to leave him..." Roman sighed sadly as he laid back and hugged Scrump close. "Is how I wearned... He will learn it too."

*Discontinued* The Lil PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now