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The sunlight glints in my eyes as l twirl around.

I hear laughter behind me.

I'm running and l'm laughing also.

We're playing the chasing game.

I'm playing with her.

She's beautiful just like an angel

She turns and her beautiful face turns with her.

She smiles " Time to wake up beautiful"

I scrunch my eyebrows

What is she talking about. I laugh

"Wait what are you talking about"

She starts moving further away from me and l feel myself panicking.

"No! Don't go. Please"

She just smiles at me more.

"Wake up my butterfly.The world still needs you "

Just then l feel something pulling me and the sun shines even more brighter. Blinding me. No. I look around. I want to stay here l want to stay with her. I want my mom.

"Mom!" I shout as l startle awake. I look around and observe the steel covered room which has cabinets fitted on the opposite walls. God. Where am l?

I groan as l sit up straighter.  Instinctively l hold my head. Fuck l have a splitting headache. I instantly feel my left arm straining. I look down and see its wrapped in a bandage and its in a make shift lift up in the form of a grey shirt to keep it in place.

"Hy. You're awake"

I snap my head up at the sound and l see an exhausted Ethan across the room near the door. But what catches my eye more is his rock abs showing through the white vest he has on and l gasp and Ethan automatically reacts and is by my side in an instant.

His concerned eyes roam all over me looking for something wrong. "Are you okay?"

I nod wordlessly then realising how dum I'm acting l quickly clear my throat "Yeah I'm okay. Thanks to you " l lift my bandaged left arm to make a point but that just results in me wincing.

He gets up and goes all the way to the otherside of the room and l can hear him flipping something but l can't clearly see due to his large frame covering the view. He comes back holding a bottle of water and some pills.

"Here l found some painkillers in the first aid kit.Have some to help with the pain "

I take the pills in my right hand and be opens my water for me and l smile at the gesture and mumble a thank you. I gulp down some water and pop the pills in my mouth then l wash it all down again with some water.

I rest my head on the wall and take a breath. "Thank you." I look around "How did you find a first aid kit"

He takes the bottle of water from me and closes it with the cap amd then he  slouchez next to me resulting in  our arms to barely touch." This is or was a cold room under construction and l guess for safety measures they kept it here." I nod whilst looking around.

I take a breathe. "How long have we been in here"

Ethan shrugs " l don't know. A couple of hours at best. It should be somewhere around 6pm now "

Shit. Tristan.

I look around and sigh." I guess the ocean wave has subsided by now.  Shouldn't we get going?"

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