The feeling of home

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I follow Ethan follow the kitchen silently. The kitchen is drenched with water all over the floor and there are pots and pans all over the floor. Its a mess. I walk over and grab a chair all the way from the opposite wall. I sit by the counter as l observe Ethan putting salad in two plates .

"How did you make us food?" I ask as l steady my self on the rotating stool.

"There were a couple of marinated chickens in the steel fridge. Thank God for the high maintainance equipment otherwise it wouldn't have withstood the phase. I cooked them on the gas stove cause the electricity short circuited due to all the water. Then l randomly picked up some stuff for a salad....cucumber,  onion,tomatoes amd lettuce. "he says as he works.

I nod my head. Smart. I look over the kitchen and take everything in. Ethan places a plate with a chicken leg portion and some salad on the side and a fork.

"Its not much... but Bon Appetite." He says as he pulls up a stool and sits opposite me.

"Thank you " l say as l dig in. I let out a small moan as l continue to eat. Ohh l was so hungry.

We eat in silence for a few minutes until l clear my throat.

"How long do you think its going to take them to find us?" I look at him as l take a bite of my chicken.

"The standard procedure after an emergency evacuation due to a natural disaster is to come back after 2 weeks or 3 weeks for an overview inspection. But in this case they will come back after a wèek."

He digs in into his food and l keep gawking at him. He must have felt my stare because he looks up and archs  up one perfect eyebrow in question.

"How do you know so much about this place. " I huff out. " I swear you know so much about this place. Did you work here or something?"

His upper lip quivers up in amusement." I guess you could say that" he shrugs and continues with his food.

He works?. Isn't he my age or something. "How old are you?"

"Old enough " he huffs out.

Jesus getting personal information from this man is like walking on fire whilst chewing broken glasses in your mouth.

"You're impossible you know that right " l say as l push my plate away from me. "Thank you. It was really good"

"You're welcome" he stands up grabs our plates and moves them to the now damaged half loop sided sink. When he sees its state he stops and l can't help it so l let out a full blown out laughter. He sighs and just stocks them beside the counter.

"C'mon aren't you going to laugh. That was undeniably funny" I say as l laugh out more.

Ethan just observes me as l hang my head and giggle. He gives me a small smile and nothing more than that but it manages to rail me off because l hiccup and try to catch my breath. His small smile turns into a full blown smirk as he notices the effect he has on me.

I quickly straighten out and avert my gaze. " you said they will come back after a week instead of the customary 2 to 3 weeks. How can you be so sure?"

"Like you said, l know a lot about this island. So just trust me" l scoff but keep quiet as l hop off the stool.

"The sun is going down and we're going to have to find somewhere to sleep. The beds are still drenched."l say folding my hands.

"Let's split up and go through the entire hotel. When you see an emergency fire blanket grab it and let's meet back here in 5 minutes. Okay? That way will be much quicker and we can be settled before the sun goes down"

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