A little bit of that

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I readjust my head and groan as the sunlight directly hits my eyes. I cover my eyes from the harsh rays. I take this moment to take in a deep breath as l take in the oceanside smell. I ravel in the feeling of sand in between my toes as l hear the seagulls flying above and calling out to each other.

"Flicker! lunch is ready " Ethan calls out from the second floor's balcony. I turn around and look at his dark silhouette standing close to the railing. His looking over at me and l look over to him as well. Its crazy how life can be. We've been trapped here for 3 days now.

Funny how all l know is that his name is Ethan Hunt and for some unexplainable reason he fascinates me. I smile to myself.

"Be right over!" I call out as l formulate a plan in my head. I head back to the hotel. I got up extra early today. For some reason l felt as if something was compelling me to go outside. And l'm so glad l did. I got out as the first light rays made themselves known over the horizon and it was breathtaking.

I climb the stairs and make my way to the balcony. For the little time that we have been here we decided to have our meals here. Might as well take advantage of the view. I enter the balcony as Ethan sets our plates on the table.

"Good morning "he says

"Morning" l mumble as l tuck a lock of my hair behind my ear.I take a seat as l observe my plate. Cut up apples and oranges .Yep wild guess,the marinated chickens finally decayed. I sigh.

"Bon appetit" he says and l smile as l pick up my fork and stab my apple .l take a bite and look over the railing to the ocean.

"It's funny isn't it"Ethan mumbles

"What is" l say but l don't take my eyes off the view.

"The way you're fascinated by the ocean when your name is Ocean"

I chuckle and this time l tear my gaze from the view and l look at him. His gaze is fixed on me and his hair is being blown lightly by the morning breeze. He looks dazzling to say the least. His eyes are a vivid blue and even more striking today. His mouth is set in that ridiculously sexy grin he awalys has on when his being mischievous and his facial features are calm and relaxed,props to the gentle scene of the ocean waves and the tranquil sounds.

"Ocean" he says

"Hmm" l reply as l continue observing him.

"You're doing it again"he says with  laughter  in his voice.

"Doing what?" I say as l scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"Staring" on saying this he gives me a full blown smirk.

I avert my gaze directly to his  and l stare deeply into them. I give him my most innocent look as l turn my head slightly as if trying to figure out a complex puzzle.

"I know"l whisper. And as intended he gets taken aback. His eyes widen in responce to my admission and his lips part in a gasp. I hold back my laughter as much as l can as l take another bite of my fruit.

"Hurry up and eat. I'm taking you somewhere " l say as l continue eating. Ethan readjusts himself and schools his features into a sembelance of a calm bored profile.

His upper lip quirks in amusement as he regards me. "Don't tell me you're taking me on a date Flicker"

I give him my  most playful smile and l bat my eyes in the most lady like manner that l can master "of course darling. l am " l say in a fake southern accent.

Half an hour later we're are making our way through the streets as Ethan kicks everything he can.From broken car pieces to stones its really getting irritating.

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