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Ethan's POV

The chopper starts getting closer as we run. I'm about to turn to urge Flicker closer when there's a ringing sound. And l know that sound anywhere. Its one of a gunshot.

I stop dead in my tracks and l slow turn around. All the colour from my face drains. I see Ocean turn around and that dirtbag from the Policestation is there. Just as l'm about to go for him with so much anger chargers up there's a loud  rumble and he falls over.

Flicker looks down and touches her stomach lightly. My heart beats faster and l break into a cold sweat when l see her raise her hands and there's blood on them.

"Ethan" she says so softly it almost brings me to my knees.

I can barely contain the ear shattering scream l let out.

"NOOOO " l let out as l break into a sprint and put my palm right below her head before she bangs it on the rooftop.

"No.no." l keep repeating unconsciously.

I slide her into my lap.

"Ocean stay with me baby " l say to her as she looks at me

"I got shot"

"I know baby but you're gonna be fine. I promise "

Just then there's a loud sound and the rooftop shakes. The rooftop door busts and water starts flowing out. I see another wave coming. l look towards it amd hold Flicker tighter.

"Ethan. Hurry . This place is about to blow!" One of the rescuers says as he tries to get me to get up.

When did he get down?.

"She's hurt. She got shot" as l get up with Ocean in my hands.

"Bring the stretcher "he yells to his colleague. He takes out a cloth from his pocket.

"Put some pressure on her wound and make sure she doesn't become unconscious "he says as he hands me the cloth and l do so. He starts checking her pulse.

"I won't be able to stay awake for much longer" she says. She's deathly pale and her eyes are becoming droopy. Where the hell is that stretcher.

"Why?Don't you wanna hear what l'm gonna do when we get off this damned island"l say trying to keep my voice even so she won't see how panicked l am.

She smiles weakly."You already told me that Ethan" she says and winces. I realise l had pressed her too tight

I look at her apologetically.

"Sorry " l say. Then l throw her a playful grin."l'm looking forward to taking you on a date. A real one at that. Not hanging out on a cliff amd making out."l say

"Ocean" the paramedics say. She blushes scarlet as she sees that he was there all the time.

"I'm Jeffrey and over here is my friend Fred. We're going to move you onto the stretcher so we can get the hell out of here. But it's gonna hurt a little.

She winced at the last part but put on a brave smile and nodded once. That's my girl.

As they move her. I feel  earthquake getting stronger. The buildings start shaking and l can hear the roar of waves as it crashes and brings down buildings. We have to move fast.

The paramedics lift up the stretcher and we hurry towards the chooper.

"Get in" Jeffery says to me but l quickly shake my head in disapproval.

"No ,hoist her up first"l say as the wind blows on us strongly the helicopter is sidetracked for a moment.

Jeffery climbs in as me and Fred start handing him the stretcher.As the stretcher slides in fully, the building gets crashed by water and it gets pulled down as the floors tumble and crack against the earthquake's forces.

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