The New Normal

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Heavy. My head feels heavy. I try to turn it to the side but l can't.

What is happening? I try to groan out but my neck feels stuffed and now that l think about l feel like my lungs are liquidated.

Bip. Bip. Bip

I try to groan but can't. I open my mouth to say something but its like l'm blocked. I start panicking. What the hell did Ethan do to me. I swear if this is another one of his dum stupid pranks l won't spare him.


The sound gets worser and worser by the minute. If this damn thing wasn't stuck so far up my throat l would be hyperventilating.

Just then l feel Ethan remove the thing from my mouth. I'm about to give him a peace of my mind but l can't. The words just won't come out.

Just then l feel a sharp pain on my arm. Ouch!that asshat just pricked my skin. That's it. This has gone on too far. He presses on the prick and l feel a sting. But wait a minute when did Ethan hand's feel like latex gloves.

I channel all the strength l can and l push myself to actually say something.

"Ethan" that's all l can say. My voice is barely even audible. Its cranked and dry. What the hell happened.  Before l can think even more the darkness swallows me again


I hear movement.

"Ethan. Turn that damn thing off or else l'm gonna shove it so far up your ass you'll see stars."

There's silence. But this time it's more pronounced and deliberate.

I groan"Ethan"


"I swear if l repeat myself again"l say as l open my eyes and prepare to sit up." I will.---" l freeze.

The hunky ,tall large frame infront of me looking at me vividly isnt Ethan.No .Its Tristan. A tired,baggy-eyed weary Tristan.

"T" l say in a broken throaty  whisper. His here. His really really  here.

"You're awake"he whispers back as if he just got the shock of his life. Then he does a double take and laughs as he runs to me and engulfs me in a hug.

"You're awake" he says as he digs his face deeper into my neck and squeezes me.

"Okay buddy. Cutting off the air supply" l say as l pat his back twice.

He quickly lets go.
"Sorry" he says and gives me an apologetic smile.

I grin at him but that just worsens my headache. I quickly touch my forehead and groan.

"Are you okay"he asks me worridely.

"Water "l mumble out .Shit. My throat is dry and scratchy. Tristan comes back with a plastic cup full of water and l chug it all down. All the while Tristan's looking at me with a small smile. He can barely contain it. What's  he so happy about? I raise an eyebrow at him in question.

"I'm sorry" he says and laughs. He clearly picked up on my unvoiced question. "It's just so good to have you back"

I smile at that."Well it's good to be_"l quickly shut up. I look around the room. White curtains. Medical smell. I start analysing everything.

"Oce...are you okay" l hear Tristan say

"How am l here? Umm The island .Westlife. Major whats his name.We were on it. It started blowing up and l remember me and Ethan on the rooftop. The chooper " l gasp. I rip the comforter on me off and l grab my gown to the side and gasp.

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