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Let's see. Fifteen to twenty years from now l will probably be in my mid,late thirties. I will still be able to meet someone, raise a family,get a few dogs and cats, probably throw in a house with a white picket fence and church every Sunday with a family lunch. That kind of clichè life.

I can get that.

I will get that.

So l really think that there is nothing wrong with killing Ethan right here and right now.

He certainly deserves it. Who does he think he is. Coming in here and acting like we're something when we're not. Wait a minute...what are we?

I huff. Right now l am sitting on my hospital bed. My arms folded,my mouth pursed into a line and my anger on maximum level. And Ethan? Well his just sitting on a chair..legs crossed,body slamped on one of the chairs. One of his hands is caressing his five o'clock shadow and he has a smirk on his shadow that l feel like slapping off. His looking at me,amusement in his eyes.

We've been like this since he charmed the pants off my friends,who by the way 'left' claiming they wanted to give us privacy. I scoff. Privacy my butt.

"You do know that you look cute when you're mad right."he says amusingly.

If he thinks he can charm me off just like he did to my friends then his got another thing coming.

Apparently he got discharged yesterday. And this is how he decides to spend his time? Suddenly cake by the ocean starts playing. I look around only to see him take something from his coat.It's his phone. He answers it

"What" his voice drums out. I roll my eyes. Of course. Count on Ethan to throw all social ettiqute down the drain. He listens in for a moment before his eyes flicker to mine. I raise my eyebrow.

"Tell him l'll be there in 20" he says dismissively. My eyebrows scrunch. Who is it? Ethan listens in for a couple of seconds but by the way his eyebrows furrow and his mouth is set in a straight line l already know that whatever the other person is saying,he doesn't like it.

"I don't care" he growls out. "I said l'll be there in 20. Keep him there" He rapidly commands as he sits up straighter,his posture becoming stiffer. He cuts the call right after and throws the phone on the seat next to him before letting out a rugged breath.

"Who was that" l say. His cold gaze turns to mine. It's like he forgot someone else was in the room. His facial expression immediately softens. His eyes become softer and his eyebrows go back into their normal shape.

He smiles at me. A real one. My breath hitches. His never smiled before. Its either his smirking or chuckling and rarely laughing. But it's never a smile. It's beautiful and l find myself smiling too. He gets up and comes towards me. He leans down towards me and his hand lands on my shoulder,squeezing it. He kisses my forehead and lingers a bit.

"Noone important" he says softly.

I can't help but lean a bit into him as l inhale his smell. Oceanside and cologne. He withdraws and l quickly catch myself before l can whine. But by the sudden fire in his eyes l know that he knows. Andd the smirk is back.

"There's someone important l want you to meet though."he says as he takes his phone and starts typing something.

"Who"l say curiously.

He pockets his phone and gives me another beaming smile. He drags the chair to myside and sits down and takes my right hand into his.

"It's a surprise."he says as he brings my hand to his mouth and kisses my palm. His silver ring on his thumb glistens as he turns and twirl his fingers, intertwining them with mine.

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