Chapter 8 Shopping *ewwwwww unless it for video games XD

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Choo Choos POV

I wanted to ask Ashley on a date. Well she was the only other person who spoke Irish. I could call her the boys won't know.

Choo choo and Ashley speak in Irish ( I can't so no words to type well less work for me)

Yes she said yes we arranged at this restaurant. ( its not a fancy one)

Ashley's POV

I can't believe he just asked me on a date. Hey Netty wanna go shopping. ( I don't do girly shopping eww.) Yes Netty replied squealing.

*at the store

I walked into a store it said goth chic noim not a goth I just like there high tops and purple clothes. I rushed in. What kind of store is this Amy squel. Amy when did you tag along. I like shopping mall = Amy. I picked out this purple dispicaple me shirt ( I have a problem my closet is full of those. And I guess if I only wear purple and black a I'm a goth so whatever) It said does this count as annoying. I saw this cute HGH tops like a wedged shoes and trust me I don't wear hells except wedges. It was purple and pink. Not much a pink farm but loves it. Jé adoré. Amy was like oooo I like this store but too much black oh Amy said. Really Amy I actually like this store I said. Duh ur a goth geek. Whatever Amy, let's go.


I'm so weird

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