Stubborn Centaur (Part 1)

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In Lonesome Flats, it was the beginning of harvest season for the Country Trolls.

Everyone in Lonesome Flats had their own fields to harvest and each one was at least 100 acres wide, but they could always get it done with a good amount of hands and hooves.

But, Delta had her work cut out for her because Growly Pete had twisted two of his hooves and couldn't work. But, she insisted she could get it done on her own.

Growly Pete looked at her and asked, "Growly growl?"

Delta answered, "Of course I can get it all done. I might be just one Troll, but this Troll has never let anyone down and I won't start now. So, you just get to healing and I'll take care of this field."

But then, Delta felt rumbling. She turned and she saw that the buffalo were on a rampage.

She looked towards where they were going and shouted, "Heavens to Betsy! They're heading for Pop Village! I gotta take care of that stampede first!"


In Pop Village, Branch also felt the rumbling.

He looked out, saw the herd running towards them, and yelled, "STAMPEDE!"

Every Pop Troll panicked and ran into their pods.

The herd almost made it, but then, someone shouted, "Look!"

Delta Dawn was running on one side of the herd and Clampers on the other side.

Delta signaled her niece to get the herd together. Clampers bit at the herd's legs so they'd do just that.

Once they were together, Delta lassoed the lead buffalo and pulled it so it'd change course, with the rest of the herd following.

Every Pop Troll cheered as Delta Dawn had saved their village. Delta gave them all a wink and then started leading the herd back towards Lonesome Flats.

Poppy also saw and told Branch, "You know, I think Delta deserves an award for her helpfulness towards everyone."


A couple of days later, all of the Trolls from the other tribes had gathered in Pop Village for Delta's celebration.

Everyone had talked about how Delta not only stopped the stampede, but had also promised to help with their things.

Barb said, "She's gonna help me perform a new stunt!"

Trollex added, "She's also gonna help with a new recipe I've found for kelp cakes"

Finally, Milton Moss said, "She'll also help me with a new critter census."

Queen Essence started the speech, "We are gathered here today to celebrate one who's always there to help those in need."

Prince D added, "A tough woman."

King Trollex also added, "A brave leader."

King Quincy also added, "A kind friend."

And Trollzart said, "And to show her our appreciation, every Troll leader has come together to get this made."

Two Pop Trolls had unveiled a huge trophy.

Everyone went, "Ooooh."

Poppy then said, "It is our honor to bestow it upon the one who as shown great integrity, trustworthiness, and reliability...Delta Dawn!"

Everyone cheered, but then stopped to see that Delta had not shown up. Everyone looked around with confusion wondering where she was, but then she came up from the audience. But, everyone could clearly see she was out of it.

Delta got on the stage and yawned before she tiredly said, "Hi. Sorry I'm late. Your Majesties, thank you kindly for this here, uh, award thingy."

She went towards the trophy and glared into it, "It's so bright and shiny, and *chuckles* I sure do look funny."

She moved her face back and forth making funny faces into the trophy.

Everyone just looked at her and Poppy just said, "Ok? Well, thank you, Delta Dawn, for always being there when we need you."

Delta just yawned and said, "'Course. I always like helping folks *yawns* and stuff."

Delta then just took the trophy, dragged it in the dirt, just walked away leaving everyone befuddled. Everyone knew something was up.

Poppy asked, "Did anyone else notice that Delta seemed a little...?"

Barb asked, "Tired?"

Trollex added, "Dizzy?"

Guy Diamond ended it with, "Messy?"

Everyone just looked at him as he said, "Well, did you see her hair?"

Poppy decided to find out what was going on. So, she prepared Sheila and started making her way to Lonesome Flats.


Poppy made it to Lonesome Flats and saw Delta Dawn harvesting a giant herself.

Poppy asked her, "Delta, what are you doing?"

Delta answered, "Oh, hi, Poppy. It's harvest season. Time to do some...well...harvesting."

Poppy then asked, "But, why are you doing it all alone?"

Delta said, "Growly Pete hurt himself and every other Country Troll has their own field to take care of. So, I'm on my own."

Poppy knew she couldn't do it herself, "But, all of this is way too big a job for one Troll. I'm sure the Trolls in the other tribes would be happy to help."

Delta didn't like the idea, "Help? No thanks. I can do this on my own."

Poppy asked, "Are you sure?"

Delta then got irritated, "Is that a challenge?"

Poppy replied, "No?"

Delta then just said, "Well, I'm gonna prove to you that I can do this on my own."

Delta then continued her work. Poppy knew that her stubbornness could lead to trouble not just for her, but for others.

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