Trollstopia Today (Part 1)

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In Pop Village, Poppy was reading a story to the young Trolls, "And that's how Guy Diamond managed to save the village from his own glowing skin; By being more humble."

Tiny Diamond said, "Yeah! That's my daddy!"

Poppy then said, "You know, it seems that something interesting happens practically every single day in the kingdoms of Trollstopia. Like, how I managed to beat Branch on Prank Day, or how Delta learned to accept help from others. If only there was a way for everyone in Trollstopia to know about all of this."

The kids then made thinking gestures.

Poppy then said, "Oh, but there is! I would like to inform you about the opportunity to become junior reporters for the Trollstopia newspaper. Just think; Travel to places and get the goods on interesting stories for other Trolls to read."

The young Trolls went, "Oooooh."

Poppy said, "I would like to know your decisions by the end of the week."

When Poppy finished and the other kids went for home, the ones who were really interested were Clampers, CJ Suki, and Keith.

CJ told her friends, "A chance to write down amazing stories for everyone to read? Sounds awesome!"

Clampers agreed, "Yeah! Find out about tons of cool stuff!"

Keith added, "And who knows? Maybe even grow up to become famous reporters."

By the end of the week, CJ, Clampers, and Keith were junior reporters for the Trollstopia newspaper.

CJ came up with an idea, "Hey, how about we pitch our writing skills together to create one cool column?"

Keith said, "Yeah! We all have such great ideas!"

Clampers then came up with another idea, "How about to make it more interesting, we do it like one of those reporters with stage names?"

CJ said, "Sounds cool. How about we call our character 'Ripping Reporter?'"

Keith then said, "Or 'Jumpin' Journalist?'"

The three continued thinking until they finally came up with...,"The Snappy Storyteller!"

They decided to get to work on their column stories.

They looked around Pop Village for anything interesting.

They then heard some sounds of struggle and followed it to find that Cooper had accidentally gummed himself to Prince D; Just the kind of thing needed for budding, young reporters. They immediately took a photo of it and started on their first column.

Everyone in all of Trollstopia got it the next morning, and they loved it, even Cooper and D.

Since their column was a huge success, they were able to make it to front page in a really small amount of time.

But, when they tried to find some more interesting stories, they found that there wasn't a lot going on around the kingdoms.

Keith said, "We've gotta find more stuff to write or we can say goodbye to front page...along with our careers."

Clampers then said, "You know, our success really started when we engaged in a little bit of gossip. Maybe we could tell more about what Trolls do when they're not in front of others."

CJ then said, "Well, yeah, but don't you think that might be a little mean?"

Keith answered, "Maybe, but a little bit of gossip wouldn't hurt anyone and people do seem to love it."

Clampers then said, "Besides, Cooper and Prince D loved their story."

The three agreed and got right to it.


The next morning, the newspaper reached out to all of Trollstopia.

Poppy, Delta, DJ Suki, the twins, and Queen Essence were at the spa getting some treatments when Barb came in saying, "You guys! The newspaper just arrived; 'Milton Moss: Secrets to critter companionship revealed.'"

Satin and Chenille replied, "We already read that one. Come join us. It's wonderful."

Barb said, "Thanks, but no thanks. The day I get a manicure is the day I sell my guitar."

Delta said, "Oh, come on. It's nice to unwind once in a while and I gotta say, The Snappy Storyteller has made this spa day even more relaxing."

But, Poppy said, "I like it, too, but don't you think they can be a little mean?"

Delta said, "They're not mean, sweetie. They're a hoot!"

Barb agreed, "Yeah, lighten up, Pinkie. It's just a little bit of gossip. How bad could it be?"

DJ Suki also said, "And besides, who wouldn't want to read this? I mean, look at this; 'Classical Conductor in wig scandal.'"

Poppy read another headline, "'Branch; The father of lifeless remote?' The Snappy Storyteller doesn't value anyone's privacy. I guess I can't help but feel sorry for the Trolls featured in their column."

Queen Essence said, "I agree. Even the smallest bit of gossip can be very harmful, especially for whom the gossip is about."

DJ Suki said, "I'm sure whoever's writing these columns means well and I'm sure they'll learn their lesson soon enough. Now, come on, Barb, just one little manicure?"

Barb hesitated for a minute and then agreed.


Keith, Clampers, and CJ were going over how their gossip column has become an even bigger success than when they started.

Clampers said, "Trolls aren't even turning the pages for any other columns but ours."

CJ said, "Yeah, but I really don't feel comfortable invading Trolls' privacy like this."

Keith said, "Neither do I, but if we don't keep it up, we may as well just start looking at careers as garbage collectors."

The three then continued to find more stories about others, even though they felt bad with every story they wrote.

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