Best Frenemies (Part 3)

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King Trollex announced to the other Trolls, "A long time ago, the Bergens ate the Pop Trolls just to be happy. But now, they know how to be happy and no longer have a reason to eat Trolls. I get that some of you are afraid that maybe not all of them had promised not to eat us or that they might change their minds."

Every Troll then got really nervous, but Trollex continued, "But...if that were true, would they be able to sit there quietly while I ask one of them to stand beside me..."

He gestured Bridget to do just that.

"...while I dipped myself in mayonnaise..."

The Trolls gasped as Trollex opened a huge container of mayonnaise and jumped right in and roll around in it.

"...and maybe asked Poppy to pour this on my head..."

Trollex gave her a jar of honey mustard and leaned his head down for her to pour it on.

TBDB shouted, "Trollex, no! Not honey mustard! That's too delicious!"

Trollex just continued, "...and then put my head directly into this one's mouth?"

Trollex opened Bridget's mouth and immediately stuck his head inside.

Once he did that, the other Trolls started to calm down.

But, Trollex pushed it a little further, "See? And if Bergens weren't safe, I certainly wouldn't do this!"

Trollex started dancing around on Bridget's tongue.

The other Trolls seemed to be ok...until Trollex accidentally slipped into Bridget's throat.

Everyone gasped with horror, and TBDB shouted, "She ate the King of Techno! We were right to fear the Bergens! They've reverted to their old ways!"

The Trolls started screaming and running. The Glitter Trolls accidentally shot glitter at the Bergens and scared them.

One of the Bergens shouted, "They've turned the tables! Defend yourselves!"

The other leaders ran towards Bridget to try and help Trollex.

Poppy shouted, "Trollex, are you ok?"

Trollex shouted back, "I'm fine! Caught myself on the uvula! Bridget, a little help, please?"

Bridget immediately coughed him up unharmed.

Trollex then said, "Maybe that was a little much?"

Barb said, "You think?"

They all then just stared at the chaos of Bergens and Trolls freaking out.

Delta said, "Look at this mess!"

Poppy said, "You were all right. The other tribes weren't ready. This party was a horrible idea."

But, King Quincy said, "No, Poppy. It wasn't a horrible idea. It was just a little enthusiastic...with not too good consequences."

Queen Essence continued, "But, we know your heart was in the right place."

But, the touching moment was cut short to the sound of screaming.

Trollzart said, "Ok, enough! We've gotta stop this!"

Poppy then turned to Branch and said, "Branch, we need you to use Gary."

Branch did just that, and within five seconds, every Troll and Bergen were caught in nets.

When everyone was let down, Poppy said, "Ok, it's come to our attention that this party may have been premature. And we're very sorry."

Trollex turned to the Bergens and continued, "So, while we appreciate you all coming down here to try and get to know us, we are actually gonna need a bit more time to get to know you."

King Gristle smiled and said, "Sure. Maybe every once in a while, a small amount of us could just join you for game night or at least a sing-off."

Everyone nodded and mumbled in agreement.

The Bergens turned to leave, but then, Branch stopped them.

Branch then asked, "How about before you all leave though, maybe just one song?"

Bridget said, "Sure," then turned to her fellow Bergens and said, "And maybe while we dance, we hold them up off the ground so we don't, you know, horribly crush their skulls."

Queen Essence said, "Wonderful idea! Any other suggestions?"

One Bergen said, "I guess we could remove sensitive game clues like 'things we like to eat alive.'"

And Gristle said, "And we could replace the Troll-shaped piñatas...with baby Troll-shaped piñatas!"

The Trolls gasped while the leaders shook their heads no.

Gristle then said, "I mean rainbow-shaped piñatas?"

Poppy said, "Bingo! And, can we do anything for you?"

Gristle replied, "Well, we'd love it if you wouldn't fart glitter in our faces."

Barb said, "Ok, noted."

Gristle continued, "Also, could you go easy on the loud noise and bright lights when we're around? They sort of freak us out."

Poppy turned to the Trolls and asked, "What do you say, Trolls? Care to give this party one more shot?"

They all loved that idea and danced to a Pop song.

The party was finally a success.


Meanwhile, far away from the party, there was a trailer in the wilderness.

Inside the trailer, there were pictures of Pop Trolls with marked maps and traps.

A shadow overcame all of the Trolls photos.

"Revenge will be mine!"

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