Best Frenemies (Part 2)

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So far, everything was more awkward than fine.

Poppy, Branch, and the other leaders just watched as the Bergens were huddled in one group and the Trolls in another, away from each other.

King Gristle told his fellow Bergens, "Go on, shake their hand."

One of them grumbled and tried to do so, but when he got really close, the Trolls got really nervous, up to the point where Smidge bit his hand.

He threw Smidge off and yelled, "Forget it! Not worth it!"

Barb said, "I'm starting to think I got played."

Biggie then said, "Excuse me. Would you care for some punch?"

Another Bergen took the whole punch bowl and when he finished every last drop, he made an echoing belch that blew Biggie back.

Poppy frustratingly said, "Why can't they just have fun together?"

Branch sarcastically said, "Gee, I don't know. Maybe because everyone here was practically everyone else's worst enemy?"

Queen Essence said, "There's no need for sarcasm, Branch. But, he does have a point, Poppy. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea."

Branch then said, "You know, we still have our old defenses. I'm not saying we use them, but...I'm saying we use them."

Trollzart said, "I think setting off traps would just make things worse."

Poppy agreed, "Yeah, so get rid of that thing."

Branch asked, "Get rid of...Gary?"

Everyone just looked at him.

Trollex asked, "You called it Gary?"

Branch said, "I've spent a lot of time without friends, ok?"

Poppy then said, "Don't worry, everyone. I think all we need is to get everyone to bond over some fun games and party events."


They started playing a game of Draw-some.

A Bergen first drew a Troll.

Everyone was ok with it until he finished drawing a Bergen eating that Troll.

Everyone panicked and ran off and the Bergen said, "What? The clue was breakfast. I drew it impeccably."

Poppy then said, "Speaking of 'breakfast,' how about some refreshments?"

Gristle held up a tray and asked, "Fish sticks, anyone?"

The Techno Trolls gasped with horror and started to gag, even King Trollex.

Poppy then asked, "Ok. Dancing, anyone?"

Trollex started playing some Techno music.

The Bergens were having fun, but it wasn't too much fun if you were nearly getting stepped on.

Poppy just shouted out, "Just skip to the gift exchange! The gift exchange!"

King Gristle said, "As a token of our new friendship, we present to you, the Trolls, with this traditional Bergen gift."

He held up a Troll-shaped piñata.

Trollzart asked, "Is that a parade float?"

Gristle answered, "No, silly, it's a piñata."

Prince D whispered to his parents, "I've got a bad feeling about this."

The Bergens started hitting the life-like piñata with sticks, much to the Trolls' horror.

When it had touched the ground, every Troll screamed and Gristle said, "No, no. See? It's filled with treats."

He then pulled out string sausages, even more to their horror.

Poppy got frustrated and told the other leaders, "I'm sorry. Maybe this was a bad idea. It's just that my tribe were able to get along with them, so I just thought yours could , too"

Delta said, "But, Poppy, we're not as positive and upbeat as you Pop Trolls are. We're gonna need a little more time."

King Quincy added, "We're not saying that our people may never be friends we them. We're saying it may take longer than we think."

Queen Essence finished with, "After all, we can't force people to be friends."

Poppy said, "You're right."

Poppy then looked down in defeat.

But then, Trollex went to Poppy and said, "Look, you've done so much for us to unite our tribes, and now, I feel like I can finally do something to pay you back. And I believe that would be getting my people to try to like the Bergens...and I think I know how."

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