Land and Sea (Part 1)

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Trollex and Poppy were hanging out next to the lagoon, watching the sky.

Trollex said, "You know, Poppy, sometimes it's nice just to take a break from being king and just watch the clouds roll by."

Poppy agreed, "Yep. And just relax."

Trollex said as he relaxed even more, "Yeah...relax."

Poppy then pointed up and asked, "Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! You know what that cloud looks like?"

Trollex said, "What?"

Poppy responded, "It looks like a teddy bear!"

Trollex said, "You know, most of these clouds sure can make nice shapes."

Poppy said, "Yeah, they sure do."

Trollex then said, " You know, normally I'd offer to race you to the other side of the lagoon, but for now, I'm just too relaxed and don't want to miss out on a second of this beautiful day."

Poppy agreed, "Yeah. And besides, I'd think we know who'd get to the other side first."

Both chuckled and said at the same time, "Me."

Both were surprised at the other's response.

Poppy said, "That's funny, Trollex. It sounded like you said you could beat me in a swim across the lagoon."

Trollex responded, "Sure I can. While you may have spent your time in the water every now and again, Techno Trolls are bred especially for the water. Otherwise, we wouldn't have fins instead of legs."

Poppy responded with, "Yeah, but swimming across this lagoon takes a lot of strength in legs and arms for us Pop Trolls; the same strength we used to save ourselves from getting eaten and many other situations you don't even want to know about. What do you say to that, fish legs?"

But the, Trollex shouted from behind her, "I say I'm already halfway there!"

Poppy shrieked as she saw that Trollex was already halfway to the other side of the lagoon and got in and started swimming as fast she could.

Trollex rested on a rock for a minute and once Poppy started to catch up, she shouted, "No fair, Trollex! You took a head start!"

Trollex replied, "Sorry, Poppy. That's the way the coral crumbles!" He then hopped off the rock and made a huge wave that knocked Poppy back, "Hey!"

When Poppy caught herself on another rock, she shouted, "You did that on purpose!"

Trollex said as he continued swimming, "Yeah, but this is an accident."

As Trollex swam forward, he made more waves with his fins that knocked Poppy back even more.

Trollex shouted, "Too bad you forgot to pack a jet ski!"

Poppy then passed by him on a jet ski bug and shouted in a sing-song voice, "I didn't!"

Poppy thought she beat him, but once she got to the other side, Trollex revealed himself from reading a newspaper and said, "Well, it's about time you showed up."

Poppy stuttered with surprise for a minute, then said, "I want a rematch! The first one to the center of Pop Village is the winner!"

Trollex responded, "There's no way I can be beaten by a land Troll!"

Poppy said, "I can beat you because while you spend your time out of the water every now and again, land Trolls are bred especially for land."

Trollex replied, "Well, I can do just as well out of the water. You'll be able to see that for yourself. That is, if you're able to see me when I'm far ahead! What do you say to that, twinkle toes?"

Poppy said, "I say I'm already halfway there-halfway there-halfway there."

Trollex turned to the side and saw just a tape recorder, "Hey!"

Poppy was halfway to the center of Pop Village, until she had suddenly hit a tree.

Trollex then zoomed past her and yelled, "Thanks for waiting up, tree hugger!"

Trollex made it to the center...only to find Poppy wearing an old woman wig and glasses, "There you are! Ain't that just like a sea Troll to keep us land Trolls waiting!"

Poppy then took off the wig and glasses laughing.

Trollex said, "Very funny, Poppy. I thought you wanted a rematch."

Poppy replied, "I did. And I took a head start like you did to make us even."

Trollex said, "I guess so, but if you hadn't, I would've beaten you by a mile."

Their arguing got the other Trolls' attention.

Poppy was a little irritated, "Is that so, scales?"

Trollex said, "Yeah, that's so, air breather!"

"Water sucker!"

"Tree climber!"

"Gulf streamer!"

"Kite flier!"

"Chum chewer!"

Trollex gasped at that, "Take that back, you...not...wet...person."

Branch then came into the argument, "Aha! You can't even come up with another name! That proves it!"

Trollex irritatingly asked, "Proves what?"

Branch replied, "That land Trolls are better than sea Trolls."

Bliss Marina then asked, "Better at what exactly?"

Delta Dawn replied, "Oh, durn near everything, I guess. Cattle ropin' and pie eatin' and wood choppin' and flyin'."

Trollex asked, "Are you finished?"

Barb said, "I'm not. You may got us licked in swimming, but we land Trolls can beat you at everything else."

Every land Troll nodded and mumbled in agreement.

Trollex then said, "And drowning! Don't forget drowning!"

Every Techno Troll exploded with laughter.

Delta Dawn then said, "That almost sounds like a challenge."

Trollex replied, "Maybe it is."

Poppy then announced, "Alright, we'll have a few competitions to see which is better; Land or sea Trolls."

Trollex replied, "Fine by me. I could use a few more victories, along with a few laughs."

The Techno Trolls laughed again.

Poppy angrily said, "We'll see who's laughing when we win those competitions, merman!"

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