Trollstopia Today (Part 3)

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They went to Biggie's pod, where they were answered by Mr. Dinkles.

CJ said, "Oh, hi, Mr. Dinkles. Is Biggie home?"

Biggie was on his couch crying, so Mr. Dinkles just slammed the door shut.


They went to Volcano Rock City to see Barb, only to have a couple of guards block them at the entrance.

Keith asked, "Hey, what gives?"

Riff came forward, "Aha! Barb thought you might show your faces around here, so she told the guards to keep you out!"


When they came to the Vibe City territory, every time they moved closer, the ship moved further.


"Oh, come on, Aunt Delta," Clampers said, "You're not mad at us, too, are you?"

Delta just said, "Yep."

Clampers then asked, "You're not even gonna talk to us?"

Delta said, "Nope."

Growly Pete then said, "You should be ashamed of yourself. Humiliating your aunt and me like that! We don't want to talk to any of y'all right now! So, just take your little gossip column and your embarrassing photographs and just GO AWAY!"


It was official; Everyone in Trollstopia was very crossed with "The Snappy Storyteller."

Everywhere the three went, every Troll shut their doors and windows.

CJ said, "We've ruined all of our friendships and we still don't have good stories for the newspaper."

Clampers said, "This is the worst day ever."

Keith asked, "So, what are we gonna do to fix this?"

CJ said, "I don't know, but we're not going anywhere until we think of something."

The three thought and thought and thought and thought.

Until, finally. they came up with something.


The next morning, the newspaper came. Everyone was at first not looking forward to reading what story they had written, until they had started reading...

"To the Trolls of Trollstopia- For some time now, you've been reading this column to get the latest dirt and the hottest buzz, but this will be my final piece. We want to apologize for the pain and embarrassment we've caused. You see, I'm actually three little Trolls- Keith, CJ Suki, and Clampers. As the popularity of our column grew, we got swept up in the hype. We knew that what we were doing didn't feel quite right, but we ignored the guilt because everyone seemed to want to read what we were writing. From now on, we promise to respect everyone else's privacy and we won't engage in hurtful gossip anymore. All we can do is ask for your forgiveness, Trollstopia. Signing off for the very last time-XOXO, The Snappy Storyteller."

And forgiving them was the very thing all of Trollstopia did after reading that column.

Everyone had once again come together to throw a party to celebrate the end of The Snappy Storyteller and for the three learning that telling stories doesn't really mean just print whatever you want.

CJ, Clampers, and Keith decided they didn't have enough professional experience to be a part of the newspaper staff and decided to quit.

They went to Queen Poppy and told her their decision.

Poppy said, "I understand how you feel, but you don't have to quit. There are many other kinds of stories in the newspaper that don't involve hurting others, like the sports column, the funny pages, or even the examiners."

CJ said, "That's actually not a bad idea."

So, instead of quiting, the three decided to do each of their own columns for the newspaper.

Clampers decided to write for the sports column, getting news on every sport in Trollstopia.

Keith did the humor column, thinking of new jokes and comics for Trolls to laugh at.

And CJ did the music column, writing her own and other opinions on the music around Trollstopia.

Everyone was relieved that they wouldn't be a part of harmful gossip again.

Although, Guy Diamond wasn't exactly thrilled, "Wait! What about me? I'm practically the most interesting Troll in Trollstopia!"

Tiny Diamond looked at his daddy and said, "Dang, Daddy. It's almost like you want to be humiliated."

Trollstopia: Season 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant