Poltergeist Pranksters (Part 2)

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Branch said to Riff while holding the can, "Here it is, Riff. The ultimate prank."

Riff asked, "What are we gonna do with it?"

Branch thought for a moment and then said, "I know! We'll get a couple of chairs and spray them with the spray and sit on them out in the open. And when people walk by, we'll be floating in mid-air! It'll be so good!"

Riff said, "Yeah, let's do it!"

Branch and Riff got a couple of chairs and went into a secluded part of Pop Village.

When Branch got ready to spray the chairs, Riff suddenly took off his clothes, leaving on his underwear and hat.

Branch asked confused, "Why did you take your clothes off?"

Riff answered, "Since the spray stains clothes, we might want to make sure we don't get any on our clothes."

Branch said, "Good point, but let's do it quickly."

Branch gave the can to Riff and took off his clothes except for his underwear.

When Branch asked for the can back, Riff said, "I think that I should be the one to hold it since I came up with the removing clothes thing."

Branch frustratingly said, "Well, Riff, the 'spraying the chairs' prank was my idea, so I should do it."

Riff and Branch started to fight over the can, up until they had accidentally sprayed the clothes they had laid on the ground, which meant they were in their underwear...in public.

Branch said, "Oh, great! Come on, Riff, help me find our clothes."

Riff then sprayed Branch's hand with the spray, "I gotta 'hand' it to you, Branch, you look kind of funny!"

Branch got back at him by taking the can and spraying the center of his stomach, "Kind of gives you an empty feeling, doesn't it?"

Riff then sprayed a part of his head where his eye was, "Sure 'looks' that way."

Branch then sprayed below his stomach line, "No guts, no glory."

Several bad puns later, they had continued to spray each other until the can was out of spray...and both boys could be heard, but not seen.

Riff said, "Hey, it's empty."

Branch said, "Oh, no, it can't be. How are we gonna pull off the 'floating in mid-air' prank? Nice job, Riff, you used the last of it."

They didn't even notice what happened to them until Branch looked up and asked where Riff was.

Riff answered, "I'm here," but Branch couldn't see him.

Branch then freaked out, "Ghost!"

Branch then looked at himself and saw that he was also invisible.

Riff said, "Whoops. Well, at least people can't see our underwear...if they can't see us at all...or something."

Branch then came up with another idea, "Riff, I've got another prank idea! We're invisible, right?"

Riff said, "Yeah?"

Branch said, "So...what if we prank all of Trollstopia and make them think we're ghosts?"

Riff said, "Gnarly."

Branch and Riff shook hands on it and both got to work.


Delta Dawn was sitting in her home, reading a book to Clampers when she heard giggling.

They looked outside, but no one was there.

Delta said, "That's funny. I thought I heard voices."

Clampers said, "Me, too."

Delta and Clampers then heard a small thud, "Huh?"

Delta saw a glass of milk on the floor and said, "I thought I left that glass of milk on the table."

She then saw an old lamp covered in trash, "And didn't I toss that old lamp out yesterday?"

Delta then turned and said, "And since when did I acquire all these portraits of Branch?!"

Then, they heard ghostly wailing. They turned around to see two sheets in the shape of Branch and Riff, saying, "We're ghosts."

Delta and Clampers giggled, "We knew it was you guys. Alright, joke's over. Take off the sheets."

They removed the sheets...to find there was nothing underneath.

They both gasped and Delta shrieked, "It is ghosts!"

She and Clampers screamed and ran out the back door as fast as they could to escape.

An invisible Riff and Branch walked out of their house, laughing their heads off.

Riff said, "That was great!"

Branch agreed, "Yeah! We really scared them!"

Riff then asked, "So, who's our next victim?

Branch replied, "A better question would be, 'Who isn't?'"

Trollstopia: Season 2Where stories live. Discover now