Land and Sea (Part 2)

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All day, it was nothing but some heavy competition. The royals picked which members of their tribes would take part in which contests. Except for the Funk family, because they knew it would only end in disaster.

Up first was a weight lifting contest.

Poppy announced, "The rules are simple; Whoever can lift the heaviest weights is the winner!"

The competitors were Smidge and a green Techno Troll.

They could both lift one pound, and two, and so on.

But when it came to 50 pounds, the Techno competitor had a little bit of trouble just getting it off the ground, and once it had reached above his fins, he finally dropped it.

Trollex watched with frustration not at the competitor, but at the fact they had lost.

Meanwhile, Smidge was able to lift it above her head like it was just a twig.


Up next, Delta Dawn had Growly Pete enter the hay bailing competition with a dark blue Techno Troll.

The rule was whoever got every bale of hay provided from one side to the other first would be the winner.

The Country Trolls were all about hard work and strength, so Growly Pete was able to get every bale to the other side in under 30 seconds, while the Techno Troll was only able to get two.

Delta Dawn cheered and looked over at Trollex, "Ready to call it quits?"

Trollex replied angrily, "I'll call it quits when I'm dead!"


It was time for the flyer's competition.

This time, it was Techno and Classical who competed.

It was a race from one tree to another.

Trollex thought this one was in the bag, until the competing Techno Troll had accidently raced to the wrong tree.

Trollex face palmed while Poppy, Barb, Delta, and Branch chuckled at his irritation.

Meanwhile, while the Funk family knew it wouldn't end well, they also knew that the others had to learn the hard way.


Finally, Barb asked Riff to compete for the flyer bug race.

The competitors had to race on flyer bugs, which wouldn't be easy since Techno Trolls don't have feet.

The competing Techno Troll thought it would be a good idea to try and press the pedals with his hands.

It wasn't. Once the race had started, the Techno Troll couldn't press the go pedal and steer at the same time, and eventually, it led to a crash.

The Techno Troll abandoned the flyer bug before it crashed, but that technically meant they had lost.


Once it was all over, Barb looked at an embarrassed and frustrated Trollex and asked, "Well, we won every competition, so ready to admit land Trolls are the best?"

Queen Essence tried to calm things down, "Honestly, these competitions are gonna hurt somebody. One of the Techno Trolls nearly got hurt in that crash."

King Quincy added, "Can't we just agree that land and sea are both great?"

Branch replied, "Sure, if that were the case, but we did win all the competitions. Isn't that right, Trollex?"

Trollex thought for a moment, looked at his people, and then came up with an idea.

He said with an evil grin, "Sure, we might've lost all of your land competitions, but now it's our turn."

Delta asked with a confused look, "What do you mean?"

Trollex smugly said, "You land Trolls think you're so good just because you can run around on land and do all this 'fun stuff,' but none of you would last five minutes in my the ocean!"

Every land Troll gasped at that remark.

Branch just said, "I bet we could. I mean, you live down there and you're still here."

Trollex replied, "Ah, but that's because we know how to get around down there. We were born to survive under the sea, whereas you land Trolls could get eaten, stuck in a whirlpool, or you don't even want to know what else!"

Trollzart said, "So, you're saying if we can survive five minutes in your ocean, we would technically prove land Trolls are the best?"

Trollex replied, "That's right. But... every Techno Troll will be on the shore. Which means no help."

Barb then said, "Five minutes? No problem."

Prince D looked at his parents then said, "This isn't gonna end well."

His parents nodded in agreement as Trollex led the land Trolls to the beach.

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