Stubborn Centaur (Part 3)

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In Pop Village at Milton Moss's, Delta was with Clampers to help Milton with a new census.

Delta asked, "Why are we doing this again?"

Milton answered, "Well, I've recently taken in some new critters, some of which are newly discovered, and I need to get a head count."

Delta just said, "Fine. Can we just get on with it?"

Milton said, "Certainly. But remember, these critters aren't like the buffalo in Lonesome Flats. They're all a timid bunch and need to be treated gently."

Delta replied, "I do not need any directions on corralling critters. Right, Clampers?"

Clampers said, "Right, Aunt Delta!"

Milton, Clampers, and Delta went towards the critters and Milton said, "Alright, everyone. Now, I want you all to gather here in the middle."

Delta then shouted, "That's right! Let's go, critters! In the center! Hop to it!"

Her yelling had scared them and they started to run away, "Swell. Just swell. Come on, Clampers! Put 'em up!"

Clampers did what she was told and drove out some of the hiding critters.

Milton watched with horror and said, "Delta! Clampers! Stop! You're scaring them!"

But, Delta just continued, "We know what we're doing! Get along, little critters!"

They were all in the middle, but then got so scared that they started to go on a rampage, right towards Pop Village.

Branch once again yelled, "STAMPEDE!"

But this time, all the Pop Trolls could do was get inside their pods and watch as the runaway critters rampaged through town.

When the critters had finally calmed down, everyone was horrified to see that some of their arts and crafts supplies had been ruined and that some of the sweets had been munched on.

Meanwhile, Milton tried to get the critters to follow him back to his home, "Oh, my! Oh! Please stop, little friends! Please! Let's go home! Oh! Oh my goodness!"

Poppy then decided enough was enough.


Back in Lonesome Flats, Delta had seemingly finished harvesting the whole field when Poppy showed up.

Poppy told her, "Delta, this overdoing with the harvesting hasn't just caused you problems: It's hurled Hard Rock Trolls, intoxicated tons of Techno Trolls, and creeped out clumps of critters. I don't care what you say. You need help!"

Delta shouted with pride, "No, I don't! See? I did it! I cleared the whole field without anyone else's help! How do you like them crops?"

But then, Growly Pete came up in a wheelchair and said in his growly language, "How do you like them crops?"

He pointed out that Delta had only covered a little less than half the field. Seeing that she wasn't even close to being done, she fainted.

Poppy woke her up and then said, "Now, Delta, I completely respect the Country Troll ways. You're always there to help anyone in need. So, maybe you can put a little of your stubborn pride aside and allow those good people to help you."

After everything Delta had been through, she had finally said, "Yes. Yes, please. I could really use your help."

Poppy sighed with relief.


Pretty soon, the other Troll leaders with a few members of their kingdoms were harvesting the field.

"Let's go, everyone! Get up every carrot!"

"Remember to remove any weeds you find!"

"Once your done, recheck the field to make sure you didn't miss any!"

Delta was finally rested up and pulled everybody in for a drink.

Once everyone had gathered, Delta started a little announcement, "Everyone, I want to thank you all for helping me with this harvest. I was acting a bit stubborn."

Poppy playfully asked, "A bit?"

Delta continued, "Ok, a lot stubborn, and I'm awful sorry. I know you all gave me a great award, but the real prize is having a good amount of allies."

King Quincy added, "So true. While friendship means giving of ourselves to each other, it also means accepting what they have to offer."

Queen Essence said, "Even though it can be hard for one to admit they need help, it's something we should never be ashamed of doing."

Everyone clapped, cheered their drinks, and started sipping.

Barb then said, "Whew! That harvesting sure made me hungry."

Then, Branch came up, "And I've got the perfect treat!"

Everyone gasped with disgust as he held up a tray of the bad kelp cakes from earlier.

Trollex said, "Ew! Branch, I threw those away! Where'd you get them?"

Branch answered, "From the trash!"

Everyone then shouted, "Ewww!"

As they walked away, Branch said, "Just a little nibble? Come on!"

Everyone just continued walking away with disgust.

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