Trollstopia Today (Part 2)

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"'Delta Dawn asleep on the job.'"

Delta was speaking with her fellow rulers, "Can y'all believe this? And this one-'Growly Pete: Special language or no knowledge of words?' Who the hay does this Snappy Storyteller think he is?"

Prince D was also displeased, "You think that's bad? Look at this. 'Prince D: Prince of Hip-Hop maybe not good enough for Funky throne?' What does that even mean?"

Satin and Chenille showed another column, "'Nova Swift: Popular trendsetter just like us?' That's so not true!"

King Trollex then said, "Listen to this one. 'King Trollex: I was an Under-the-Sea Snob. A little green source close to the stuck-up sea king says, 'King Trollex thinks the other kingdoms of Trollstopia are nothing but muddy roads and low-class commoners.'' Beat Drop!"

TBDB turned to Trollex as he asked, "How could you say something like that?"

TBDB answered, "I didn't! The Snappy Storyteller made that up! I never said anything like that!"

DJ Suki just said, "I don't know what you're all so worked up about. This guy's just a harmless reporter engaged in a little gossip."

Poppy said, "But, it's all lies! The Snappy Storyteller prints whatever he or she wants. They don't care who's reputation they destroy. 'Biggie insanely obsessed with pet worm.'"

Biggie put his head down and started crying out of shame.

Poppy continued, "'Queen Poppy too naïve: Annoyingly energetic Pop Troll would believe answer for end of the world is hugging.' Come on! I may always try to find the bright side of things, but I wouldn't let the bright side be my answer for everything."

Queen Essence then said, "Oh, look! According to this one, me and my husband are breaking up!"

Trollzart said, "Now, I know that one's a lie. You two are like a violin and a bow."

Barb then came into the room, "Well, my life is officially over. The newspaper made it to Volcano Rock City."

They looked at the paper she had and saw a photo of her from when she tried the spa, "Queen Barb: Hard Rocker or Super Softie?"

Barb said, "Everyone in my kingdom saw this. They didn't say anything, but I can tell. I'm a laughingstock!"

DJ Suki still didn't agree, "Come on. Sure, he tweaks a few stories every now and again, but I'm sure he means well."

She then turned the page to find herself in the column, "I'LL DESTROY HIM! 'The DJ Diaries.' He's reprinted my diary! How did The Snappy Storyteller get his hands on my private diary?!"

Queen Essence said, "We've got to put a stop to this once and for all. Your niece is on the newspaper staff. Maybe she knows who The Snappy Storyteller is."

DJ gasped and said, "Your Majesties, forgive me for saying so, but my niece would never associate with someone as beastly as this reporter! The very thought that soneone would suggest such a thing! Why, she's the most innocent, coolest..."

While cleaning CJ's room, DJ had found her diary, "...MOST EVIL TROLL IN TROLLSTOPIA! How could my own niece steal my diary? How could my own niece be...The Snappy Storyteller?"

She confronted her niece, "How are you today, Snappy Storyteller?"

CJ gasped, "You know? How'd you find out?"

DJ put up her diary, "I simply looked in the pages of your betrayal. How could you do this to me? You stole my diary and published it for all of Trollstopia to read! Gossip is a very hurtful thing! It's an invasion of privacy! You know that, right?"

CJ answered, "Yes, I do, and we've all been feeling guilty. But, everyone just seemed to like reading it."

DJ the asked, "Do you really think the popularity of a column on a newspaper is worth hurting others?"

CJ thought about it and then went to talk to her friends.


Clampers and Keith also thought about what they were doing and decided to tone it down with the gossip. They then left to find someone to do their column on.

They came across King Trollex reading on a rock in the middle of the lagoon.

They called out, "King Trollex! Hey, King Trollex!"

Trollex turned and saw the three Trolls and angrily said, "Well, if it isn't The Snappy Storyteller."

Keith said, "You found out, too, huh?"

Trollex replied, "Are you kidding? Everyone in Trollstopia knows it's you three."

CJ then asked, "Don't suppose you'd let us write a column on you, huh?"

In response, Trollex angrily dove into the water, raised both his fins out of the water, and splashed them hard enough to make a wave big enough to get the three soaking wet. He then dove as deep as he could into the lagoon.

Clampers said, "I guess not. Maybe someone else?"

Keith said, "Yeah. They can't be all mad."

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