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Naewons  point of view  :

And looking  up to the owner of the voice , I pretended as if I wasn't surprised , he wasn't unreal  at all he was completely  normal  yes yes he was ,blue silky hair combed nicely hung over his eyes not covering the whole  of it, his long lashes fluttered  softly as he blinked gracefully  his pointed nose had a small mole at the edge and he had slightly  plump heart -shaped lips that slightly  parted and looked  like something  was muttered , the non-chalant  look still lingered  on his face , not to mention  he had a bright milky skin ,and the sweet smell of fresh strawberries  arrived up to my nose, and when his lips moved again  I came out of my daze.

He wasn't  angelic 
He wasn't angelic
He wasn't angelic
He wasn't angelic 

And I shook my head as I straightened my position  and cleared my throat  as I realized  he had been  saying  something  before  and I hadn't been  paying  attention  and all . How reckless  could u be!

Him: Hey there , pretty  miss!!

You: Yes, what would  you like sir ?

Him: Oh you finally heard .... umm  *groan* I can't decide  whether I'm getting  strawberry  chocolate  delight or  chocolate  truffles  or chocolate  crape with strawberries 

Oh so he does like strawberry  that much  that he chose them .

You: Well I can say the crape would  be the best if you want me to choose  one of them , but if you like you can borrow  all three of course . Unless you have cavity  issues . .....

Yeah  yeah you  had to be a mom and mess up .. well shit  goes to me for this .

Him: Umm neither do I have such good teeth  nor so much  money I guess  I'll get the crape then.

You: Oh sure, -------

He cut you off saying 

Him: Please  add extra strawberries  and icing  powder .

You: * Chuckle  * you like strawberries  a lot don't you

Him: They're my favorite 

You: On my way sir , I'll be right back  within  five minutes , enjoy  your seat in the counter table until then sir.

You said politely .

Him:Sure but hey !


Him: Do I look too  old to you or too ugly or creepy ?

Not at all.You look like an angel . So young ,so pretty,so pure .

You: You look absolutely  fine sir

Him: Then why do you call me sir , am I not cute enough for you  to call me pretty  boy? *pout*

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