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Sitting  at home with jungkook  forcing  me to eat was not the best thing.
I had a strange urge to go see nahae , I had called Namjoon  a couple  of minutes  ago and he said there was nothing  new she was critical .

Her critical  condition  wasn't helping  my severe  mental stress .

Taehyung  and Namjoon  stayed in the hospital  and  sent me home to rest and shoo away my thoughts  for a while cause even  the hospitals smell reminded me about  how the car ran over her.

After coming  home I didn't feel  that anxiety anymore  but the urge to go see Nahae before it was too late ,summed  up to my tension and there was no reduction  of the extreme  weight on my shoulders .

I prayed every minute  that all of this was a nightmare  and I'd  wake up but no.
I pinched myself  so hard yet I didn't  wake up.

Jungkook  shoved another spoon of cheese pasta in my mouth  and I forcefully  chewed it , not wanting  any kind of physical  satisfaction  in my body.

I understood  their fear, but I couldn't  help at this moment .
I hadn't shed  a single tear since the incident , as if all my emotions  faded and that's what scared them.

I become so vulnerable  in such situations  that I do anything  to distract  myself  from mental pain  but I was determined  I wouldn't  harm myself . I wouldn't  cause more problems .

Jungkook  looked  down sighing  in defeat when I refused to open my mouth ,declining to eat my favorite  food

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Jungkook  looked  down sighing  in defeat when I refused to open my mouth ,declining to eat my favorite  food.

My phone  buzzed and I quickly  looked  at the caller id  and it was Namjoon .
I received  the call.

You :  Joon.

Namjoon  :  Naenae  come to the hospital  right now, there's an emergency .

You :  I'm coming .

I declined  the call standing up grabbing  my keys and gesturing jungkook  to come with me.

I drove to the hospital  calmly .
I entered and went to the I.C.U. ward and looked  at Namjoon  who was looking  down ,I kept calm ,insanely calm .
And taehyung  worriedly held my hand .

Taehyung  :  You're  ok?

I nodded.

Namjoon  :  Lets get in.

I walked in the ward and went to nahae's  room I pushed the  door  open ,noticing  some nurses and and doctors  standing  beside her bed looking  down.

The air was cold and it was insanely  peaceful  like the peace before  the storm.
I noticed  the usual beeping of the machines weren't  there .

I looked at her .
She looked extremely  pale ,paler than before ,the machines and casts detached from her body the oxygen  cylinder  far from the bed.

......the monitors showing straight  lines.
It can't be---

I looked  at Namjoon  and saw him in tears looking  at me . I looked at taehyung  already  crying  and sniffling .

I looked at jungkook  and he had this same shocked expression  as me but a knowing and pitiful one as well.

And that's when it all hit me.And I broke down.

Told ya it could  be sadder.



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