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Miriam looked out the window, gratitude filling her face. God has been good to her family. Just yesterday, Hadassah said her first words of prayer and Aharon was a proud father. After all these years, he still made her nervous. Thoughts of him still made her blush. He has been the best gift God gave her after the death of her parents. Aharon was the perfect husband and father. He adored her and loved their daughter with total abandon. Tall, well built, with eyes as blue as the ocean, it’s no wonder even at forty; he still turned the eyes of many young women. A good thing he has eyes only for her, or else, he would have strayed into the hands of promiscuous women who would do anything to have him.

“Aharon.” She whispers his name.

Maybe she also has the same effect on him, although he tells her so all the time, she doesn’t believe him. He was too handsome to be with her. Miriam was a regular Jewish woman; average height, slender figure, long black hair, and hazel eyes. But she was a beautiful woman. Even at thirty, one can say she got more beautiful as she aged.

Her marriage with Aharon was not one that underwent many planning – Her parents had died, she was alone and Aharon who has been her best friend, decided to propose at the period of her mourning. As was expected, she said ‘Yes’ and has since never regretted her decision.

Now wasn’t the time to reminisce, it was dinner time. Aharon promised to be home before dinner and Hadassah seems to have lost track of time playing outside.

Hadassah looked up from playing with her dolls. She thought she had heard her name, but she wasn’t sure.

“Hadassah.” Miriam called again, louder this time.

“Yes Mother. I’m coming,” she answered as she hurriedly picked up her dolls and ran into the house. Mother has warned her to be conscious of time whenever she played with her dolls outside.

“Hadassah, what have I told you about time?” Miriam asked no sooner as she entered the house.

“I’m sorry, Mama. I didn’t even know time had gone,” she whispered with doleful eyes.

Miriam looked at her, sorry that for a moment she had made her daughter afraid.

“It’s okay,” she told Hadassah. “I’m not mad at you. I just don’t want you staying out late.”

“Yes Mama.” She replies as Miriam hugs her.

“Where’s Papa?” Hadassah asked.

“He should be home any moment from now.” Miriam carries her causing her to giggle. “Let’s wash you little woman.”

He didn’t plan to stay out this late, he promised Miriam he would be home for dinner. Aharon was certain the two most important people in his life were waiting for him. Who knew today wasn’t a good day for fishing. The weather had started out bright and the day hopeful. But now, the fishes seem to have all gone on vacation. It’s been hours since he resumed work and he was yet to catch anything at all. He really hoped to surprise Miriam with a big fish. Now he was going to have to return home empty handed. Days like this made him ashamed. He knew Miriam won’t mind, but he did.

Miriam couldn’t believe that her husband would return late for dinner. He had promised her. Now, he has kept herself and Hadassah waiting for over an hour and he still wasn’t in sight as she looked out the window for the tenth time in the last ten minutes.

The front door opened and Aharon walked in, rendering apologies the moment he saw his wife. He hated that look of worry in her face and hurt glistened in her beautiful hazel eyes.

“Oh Miriam, I’m sorry. I tried to make it early for dinner, just that there wasn’t any fish to bring home and you know I don’t like returning empty.” His eyes pleaded with her to understand.

“Papa!” Hadassah screams when she hears her father’s voice. She was busy playing with her dolls that she hadn’t seen him when he entered.

“My Princess,” Aharon says as he picks her up, hugging her tightly.

“You didn’t bring any fish today?” She asked innocently.

“No, Princess. It may appear that the fishes have taken a vacation today,” he playfully responds causing her to giggle.

Hadassah was the best gift the Lord gave him after Miriam. The two made his life beautiful.

“But you should have returned home like that.” Miriam’s voice brought him out of his thoughts.

“I know. I just wanted to make you happy.” He moves to place a soft kiss on her lips.

His thoughtfulness of her made her realise how blessed she was to have a man like him for a husband.

“Well, enough of the apologies. Let’s all eat, even if we are an hour and twenty minutes past dinner time,” Miriam says leading them to the table.

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