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Hadassah sat quietly in Adah's room, her eyes fixed on how the older woman's hands moved quickly and expertly on the basket she was weaving. Hadassah knew one of the reasons her Uncle loved her spending time with Adah was because she will get to learn the art of weaving from the best. Adah was good at what she did. There wasn't anything too big or small for her to weave. Her hands were made for weaving.

Her hands tried to copy the swiftness with which her master's hands worked, but Hadassah was just a student and still had a long way to go.

"Not that way. Take the rope through the other side." Satisfied with the work of her student, Adah leaves her to continue.

"You're such a patient teacher, Adah." Hadassah spoke a word finally. She had wanted to watch carefully before saying a word. Adah always said concentration was as important as how blessed her hands were when weaving. "My Uncle will be so proud when I tell him how fast I'm learning."

Not paying attention to what the younger woman was saying, Adah had something else on her mind. Looking Hadassah directly in the eyes, Adah asked her the one thing that has been on her mind since Hadassah stepped into her house.

"How are you, Child?"

"I'm fine," Hadassah said with smiles. Whatever Adah had in mind was completely unknown to her. She was just really happy to finally be learning the art of weaving since Adah agreed to teach her.

"I know you are fine. But is there anything you want to tell me?"

There was something in the way Adah spoke that made Hadassah know that the older woman was on her one of her acts again. Placing her half done task down, Hadassah looked at Adah's face and that was when she saw it - plastered on her face was a strange smile.

"What's that look for?" She asked quizzically.

"You tell me," she replied with a wink of her wrinkled eyes.

Holding back a laugh, Hadassah bit her lips. She never could know all of her older friend, for it appeared that the woman had so many sides to her. Adah knew how to have her way and it was funny when she became dramatic. It was like her being a child again.

"Well," she started defeatedly. There was no way to fool Adah. Hadassah felt like the older woman knew everything about her, but still wanted her to open up herself. The woman was a strange woman. "There's someone that likes me," she said with her cheeks turning slightly pink.

"Benjamin." Adah finished for her. She had that mischievous smile on her face again.

"Oh no!" Hadassah screamed. "How did you know, Adah?" She asked with a frown.

"An old woman has her ways." Adah's grin knew no bounds. She was enjoying herself while Hadassah looked confused. The younger woman wasn't expecting her to know this much when she hadn't even spoken to her about it. But Adah didn't want to wait until Hadassah felt comfortable opening up to her. She didn't want her to make hasty decisions that didn't have solid foundations.

"Why do you think he likes you?"

That was simple. Hadassah knew why.

"He is always willing to walk me home after Bible Studies and I see the way he looks at me when he thinks I'm not watching." Talking about Benjamin made her think of him and that's what Hadassah did - her eyes had that dreamy faraway look.

"And has he openly told you that he likes you?" Adah's asked more seriously. This wasn't a matter of fun anymore. Hadassah's heart was not one that she wanted to put on the line to be tested or broken.

"No, not yet. I think he's just shy."

"Hadassah, it is dangerous for a lady to assume that what a young man has for her is love just because he's nice to her or he stares at her. While that might be true, guiding your heart is important. So until he opens up to you about how he feels, don't assume for him. I wouldn't want you to be hurt or disappointed in any way."

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