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I'm learning that God is wise and His ways are so not like my ways. What are you learning in this period?

Loud steps approached Emmanuel's door, he could hear the faint sound of a heavy breathing. It was still so early in the morning; he had woken up few hours ago to pray and wasn't expecting any visitors. He sensed trouble. Whoever was about to knock on his door must be troubled.

Without waiting for the sound of the knock, he opened his door, only to find an armored dressed Gad panting heavily with his stretched out arm just about to reach the wooden door. The young man looked like he had been chased. Quickly, Emmanuel pulled him inside his poorly lit room, concern lined across his face. One didn't run and pant as heavily as Gad was doing so early in the morning without reason.

"Papa Emmanuel, we...." he gasped for breath but seemed to be in a hurry, "we are in trouble! The lives of our people are in trouble!" He said with fear in his eyes. Emmanuel couldn't get a word of all that he had said. His words had come out in mumbles, his breathing labored.

"Gad, you need to calm down and talk to me. I can't understand all that you are saying." Emmanuel began slowly, picking his words. "What happened?" "Do you want me to get you water?" Though he doubted he'd want water. He looked too troubled for even a drink as refreshing as water.

With a sigh that was unusually loud, Gad repeated what he had said before, only this time it was slow and more understanding. "The King of Babylon has ordered that all young women be seized and brought to his villa." Emmanuel clearly saw that Gad was afraid. Maybe he should be too. Gad looked really worried and scared — which was unusual.

"I still don't understand you, Gad. What does he need young women for?" Emmanuel was confused. King Ardates had so many beautiful women as concubines in his villa, so what did he need other young women for? Gad has to explain better 'cause he didn't see any reason to be afraid here.

Looking straight into Emmanuel's eyes, "He is in search of a new queen." As though struck by lightning, understanding hit Emmanuel. It couldn't be what he was thinking, was it? This would tear his people apart.

"Oh Elohim! Gad, this is going to tear our people. When did he give the order?" he asked huskily. Now even he was afraid. His people have suffered enough. Taking their young women was too much.


Gad had been on morning duty when he overheard the guards whispering about the King's order. He had to warn his people. He had to hide one particular young woman.

As the day broke into full morning, words reached all the Commoners that the Babylonian King has ordered the seizing of all young women from both Israel and Babylon. Their community was in confusion — mothers hid their daughters, fathers prepared their sons for war, and daughters wept for their lives.

Emmanuel as a spiritual head didn't know how he was going to encourage his people. He sensed in his spirit that this was the change the Lord has been preparing them for, but even him didn't know it was going to be this way — their young women seized like prisoners. He was torn. He was in shame. This was going to be a loss he would never be able to console. Only God.

"Oh God! Please not our young women, spare us from this disgrace. The enemy has toyed with us for too long! Don't add this to our shame. We are still your children! Have mercy!" If tears could save her people, Adah's tears would have worked the miracle. Not once did she think she would live this long to see Israel shamed and disgraced like this. This was more than her heart could take. "Don't let them take her, Lord! Protect her from this wickedness! Not my Hadassah!" The echo of her cries could be heard from a distance.

Hadassah's heart pounded. Her Uncle has just told her about the King's order before hurriedly returning to his duty post. He would have stayed with her, but his morning shift was just beginning. She couldn't believe it. Her life was about to be torn apart. Her fear was becoming real. Why didn't God prepare her for this? Why was it part of his plan for her to be seized and separated from her people? Why did the still small voice always tell her to be still?


This wasn't how she planned her life. Where was the still small voice now when what she wanted more than anything was to know that everything was going to be fine. "Oh Lord," she cried between tears, "please don't let them take me. Hide me."
Her heart was shattered.

This had to be a dream. Benjamin couldn't control the fear that pricked him. What did that villain of a King want with young women? Was making them slaves not enough? His mind was filled with questions, questions that he had no answers to. "Don't let them take her, Lord. Please." He prayed as he ran to find her. Hadassah was the best gift the Lord has given him. He couldn't lose her.

He knew his people were going to be in pain. That's why immediately his shift ended, he ran home. He had to be there for Hadassah. He saw her fallen countenance even before he saw her face — she faced the wall, her hair disheveled and her posture droopy.

"Hadassah," he called when he got closer to her and that was when he saw it - her eyes were red from the many hours of crying.

"Uncle," she turned to face him, her sob even harder. "They are coming to take me." Her voice was just above a whisper as her small body trembled.

Seeing her like this was more than his heart could take. In one quick stride, he was sitting beside her on the floor, engulfing her into his embrace. "Nobody is coming to take you my child." But even he didn't trust his words. "I will always be here for you, Hadassah, no matter what happens, even if it means me fighting."

Only her sobs could be heard and the trembling of her body.

"Seeing you this way breaks my heart," his voice choked with emotions. "I promised your parents I will take care of you, and I will. But even if you can't trust me, trust the Lord, Hadassah. He will always be with you," he said as a tear dropped down his face.

Mylitta's heart leapt for joy at the King's order. Her father had told her of Queen Sabitum's disobedience and what had befallen her, being an official of the King, he had privy to private information. She was aware that he needed a replacement for his Queen; well he didn't need to look further. She had the beauty. Whatever he wanted in a woman, Mylitta had it all. As a child, she always dreamed of being a Queen.

The King's order didn't mean much for Tiamat, in fact, it repulsed her. She has heard her friend, Mylitta talk about how badly Queen Sabitum had behaved. But Tiamat plans were unlike her friend. She knew that her mother would push her to present herself even if she desperately wanted to find a place to hide. Being the King's Queen wasn't a position she envied.

Echoes of the solders horses were heard all over the town as they marched around the land of Judah. Their mission was to take with them every eligible young woman. Mothers cried for their daughters, brothers and fathers fought to protect their daughters and daughters wept for their unknown future — one without their families.

A/N: I cried so much as I wrote this chapter. Let me know how it makes you feel.

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