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"Arrange for a banquet. These walls have become quite stale," King Ardates ordered his servants. "Send a message to members of my council and inform the Queen of my dinner tonight." He commanded.

The once quiet villa was all of a sudden busy, as the cooks made ready with the finest of foods, the slaves made ready the banquet hall and the messengers did as the King commanded.

"Summon the Queen to my presence." King Ardates orders nonchalantly with a wave of his hands to a maid. "I haven't seen her in ages."

"You summoned for me," Queen Sabitum says with a bow in her ever elegant manner as she reaches the King.

"It appears you no longer long for my presence, Queen Sabitum. You have grown weary of me, have you my Queen?" His voice teased her, as he stands from his throne gazing cunningly at her.

Averting her eyes from his stare, Queen Sabitum selects her words. "Of course not, my Lord." Raising her eyes to meet his stern one, she adds, taunting him: "It may appear that your majesty no longer finds me attractive." She walks majestically towards him, and places a hand on his broad shoulders. "Do you still find me attractive King Ardates or have I grown too old for you?" Her voice teasing him, but he knew her too well.

"Stop this, Sabitum." He roars. "I won't fall for your seductions anymore," he says clearly angry now.
"You deliberately deny me of your presence, giving excuses every time I send for you into my chambers, or perhaps, you forget your duties as Queen." Brushing off her hands from his shoulders, he smiles sardonically at her. Sabitum was becoming arrogant and proud.

"Wha....What do you mean?" She stammered, the effect of his words dawning on her.

"Pretence has never suited you, my Queen Sabitum." He replies, his eyes gazing wickedly at her.

Trying to act unshaken, Queen Sabitum with every courage she had, managed to say, "Why was I summoned?"

"I will be holding a banquet tonight. Get ready." His voice more of a command than anything else.

She knew what that meant - He wanted to show her off like he always does in all of parties. They disgusted her, those meaningless dinners he held, displaying her like she was some fine possession. It always required practiced constraint not to refuse him whenever he summoned her to be shown off. Queen Sabitum didn't think being a Queen meant being considered as an object for admiration and ridicule. She could not deny it anymore, she was weary of the King's childish display.

Sounding more like a whisper, Queen Sabitum looked at her husband, pain written all over her face as she replies, "Of course my Lord."

The well decorated hall smelt of the different expensive perfumes worn by the wealthy guests of the King. There were platters of food on each table - porks, well spiced beef, and all sorts of fruits. This was no ordinary dinner. King Ardates was well pleased with his dinner, after the whole inversion, he has been busy fitting Judah into how he wanted it, that he hasn't hosted any party which was unusual. The city had temples everywhere, a place for their unseen god. All those were gone now, he made certain that all the temples were destroyed and the priests killed. He could not understand why the Isrealites served an unseen god, one who was not half as powerful as Baal, yet they chose him.

He looked around, he was yet to see the Queen. He hoped she hadn't chosen to dishonour him in the presence of his guests.

From the moment she entered the hall all eyes turned to catch a sneak at her. Queen Sabitum was a work of art. Now dressed in a long gold dress and a small belt around her waist, revealing her beautiful shape with a golden crown atop her blond hair, she could pass for a goddess. Everyone wanted to catch a glimpse at her, and proudly, she smiled courteously to all the faces in the hall.

Queen Sabitum was all aware of the effect her dress was having on the men and the jealousy it stirred amongst the women, but she took delight with the attention. Finding the King in the company of his slightly drunk companions, she bows her head in greetings.

His eyes feeding on her, King Ardates was all smiles and with an air of arrogance, he takes her hand and plants a warm kiss on them. "It's good you are here, Queen Sabitum."

"I'm happy to be here, my Lord," The Queen replies forcing a smile to remain on her gorgeous face.

"Have the slaves served you yet?" He asked, gesturing to a female slave at the same time. "Bring a goblet of wine for the Queen." Bowing, the slave went to do as she was commanded.

Queen Sabitum who was seated beside her husband said quietly: "You needn't bother, my Lord. I hope to retreat to my chambers soon, if it pleases my Lord. I do not feel well."

"What's wrong?" Worry filling the King's face. He loved Sabitum. She could be full of herself sometimes, but she was still his wife.

"Just a slight headache, my Lord," she replies in a bid to put his mind at rest.

"Perhaps a little wine will make you feel better."

The slave girl returns with a golden goblet of wine. Sabitum studies her as she takes the wine from her, a frown appearing on her face, but it quickly faded away. The girl looked Jewish.

Thanking the King, she sips her drink. Her mind far away from this dinner of lavish men and women who saw her as nothing but an object for admiration, all she wanted was to return to her chambers for some quiet. She was tired of the King's frequent dinners and the ancient duties of a Queen. With a forced smile on her lips, Queen Sabitum smiled for the rest of the evening to all the guests.


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