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Benjamin walked Hadassah home, he had waited for her outside Adah's house where she learnt to weave.

"You didn't have to wait for me," she said as they walked at an easy pace.

"I had to. I haven't seen you since after the last Bible Study. How are you? Do you feel better?"

"I do. I was able to speak with my Uncle and Papa Emmanuel about it. They were helpful." She faced him. "Can you tell me about you?"

Benjamin didn't know how he was supposed to answer her question. He knew if he planned on spending more time with her, she had to know him more. He swiped his hair. It was a habit Hadassah has come to know him by, one she secretly admired.

"Well, I'm the only child of my parents, they are both tent makers and before the inversion, they used to be wealthy, but now things are different." He turned to her and added, "Not the kind of difference Papa Emmanuel talked about." Hadassah responded with a laugh.

"Of course, I understand." She kicked a small stone nonchalantly. "I'm sorry about what happened with your parents," she said more seriously.
He smiled at her, "It's not your fault. What do I need to know about you?"

"Me? Nothing to know." She shrugged her shoulders. "My parents died during the inversion and my Uncle has been the one taking care of me ever since."

"He is a kind man. Perhaps I will meet him someday." He said with his voice full of hope for the future he saw with her, the future where Hadassah will be his.

Hadassah didn't say a word. She wasn't sure if Gad would like the idea of Benjamin in her life. He was weary of young men around her. He often told her that when the man God has for her came, she will have no doubt inside her heart.

Seeing that his word made her uncomfortable, he added, "Thank you for trusting me, Hadassah."

I'm not sure if Benjamin is the one, but being with him gives me peace. Okay, that came out wrong. Being with him makes my heart free. I don't have to worry about how I look because somehow I know that isn't important to him. Benjamin cares about my heart and not my body. There's a way he talks that makes it easy for me to open up to him. And he loves the Lord. I can see it in the quiet way he talks; it's in his eyes - a reverence for the Lord.

I know I'm getting ahead of myself. Benjamin may just want friendship with me and I'm already analysing his whole being.

Lead me, Lord. Benjamin makes my heart beat, I don't understand myself when I'm with him. Help me know if he is the one my Uncle has always talked about and if he isn't, change everything, Lord.

Hadassah. The thought of that name makes me nervous even without her presence. I love Hadassah, Lord, you see my heart and you know how I feel about her. She seems so fragile that I want to help her. I feel a need to protect her from all her fears. Please open her eyes to see what I see, Lord.

"I love her, Papa Emmanuel," Benjamin spoke gently to Papa Emmanuel on this beautiful morning. He was careful to not have a repeat of the last time. His ears heard so much counsel the last time, until he promised Papa Emmanuel that he was going to pray about her being the one.

"Pray Benjamin, pray. In prayer the Lord opens our hearts to things that our eyes cannot see. Hadassah may be to you a friend and not your bride." Emmanuel advised him so calmly that Benjamin was surprised. He didn't seem angry that they were still talking about Hadassah. But Emmanuel's words were perhaps what he needed to hear. He was going to enjoy a beautiful relationship with Hadassah, one of friendship. He would trust God that when the time came for him to propose marriage to her, he would, but only in God's time.

A/N: I love you all so tremendously much❤❤❤. We got to a thousand reads because you all read this book. Thank you so much.

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