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King Ardates stood tall in his powerful stature looking at the vast space of land below him. He was the most powerful man in the world, not even the god of the commoners could stop him. He was a god by himself. His people reverenced and worshipped him, even the Queen feared him. He was next in command after Baal. In his six feet, four inches and muscular physique, indeed he could be considered a god amongst men. Albeit since he captured the land of Judah and took reign over the kingdom, something appeared missing in his life. Perhaps the god of the commoners was punishing him, but that couldn’t happen. He was the most feared man upon the surface of the earth, so whatever this feeling was, it had to leave.

The Bible Study meeting was over so soon. She didn’t want it to end, but they had to, else face the wrath of the King. Hadassah tried to help clean Papa Emmanuel’s room – his room was the venue for the weekly meeting they held. It was the only choice they had since they couldn’t meet openly anymore. The inversion changed their lives.

Hadassah thought she saw someone staring at her, but she wasn’t certain.

“Well done child.” Papa Emmanuel's voice said from behind her. “I see you’re trying to clean up by yourself. You should wait for the others.” He beckons to a staring Benjamin. The young man couldn’t take his eyes away from Hadassah’s face.

“Oh yes. I was coming to assist the lady.” He emphasised the word ‘lady’ as he moved towards Hadassah.

Now she was certain he was staring at her during the meeting. Even as he walked towards her, he couldn’t get his eyes off of her. Hadassah was a beautiful lady. She was slender and had curves so pronounced that it was difficult for men not to stare at her.

The colour of her eyes were a mixture of brown and black, more like brown and her hair was black and long that even younger girls envied. It’s no wonder Benjamin had his eyes on her.

“Hi,” he says as he reached her.

“Hello.” Hadassah responds quietly.

“How was Bible Study?”

“I enjoyed it.”

Suddenly feeling shy and nervous, Benjamin leaves her to continue her work. One day they were going to be friends and perhaps more than that, but until then, he was going to let her be. The future had plans for them. He could perceive it by just looking at her. Only Hadassah didn’t know it yet.

After cleaning up with Benjamin who hastened the process, Hadassah was ready to go home. With a short goodbye to Papa Emmanuel, she made for the door.

“I can walk you,” Benjamin shyly says after her. The girl made him nervous.

“Thank you. I’m alright by myself,” Hadassah replies with a small smile to put him at ease.

“It’ll be nothing, really.” He tries to persuade her.

“I appreciate. But I’ll rather just walk alone.”

“Okay. See you next week.” He says in resignation.

With that she was on her way home. Her uncle, well, he wasn’t her uncle, he was her cousin but he’s been the only family she has left after she lost her parents some years ago. She saw him as her uncle now, besides he was way older than her. Hadassah had to prepare dinner before he got back from the King’s villa where he worked as a guard. It was the reason he wasn’t in Bible Study with her.

Benjamin was angry at himself. He didn’t even introduce himself to the lady and there he was asking for permission to walk her. It’s no wonder she declined his request. But he didn’t need her to introduce herself. He knew her name. It had stuck the moment a member of the group called her.


Authors Note

I hope that you are enjoying the first official chapters of Hadassah's Sacrifice.. Please let me know what you think by leaving comments. I'm sorry these chapters are a bit short.

Lots of love,

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