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Hadassah wanted everything to be perfect. Her Uncle was going to be home soon and she had to be ready. Gad has been a loving Uncle, though they have both had some difficult times, like when he embarrassed her before Benjamin, or that time when she had returned late from Bible Study and he had yelled at her. Yet, Gad was a good man. He loved her like a daughter and for some reason, she felt a need to appreciate him before this strange feeling of something coming happened.

There was bread, mutton and some grains. She has even gone as far as getting sheep's milk. Her Uncle loved animal milk. Hadassah thanked Adah in her heart, for she couldn't have arranged for such a feast on her own.

"What smells so good?" Gad asked sniffing the aroma of food that hit his nostrils immediately he entered into the house. "Hmm. What have you done this child?" He asked playfully as his eyes took in the platter of food before him.

"Just enjoy, Uncle," Hadassah replied cheerfully as she served him a plate while he settled into a chair. "And don't wonder about how I did this. I got more than enough help."

Gad was touched. Hadassah was the perfect daughter — one he never had. She was so full of service. "Then I won't ask," he said as he placed a finger to his lips. "But I will say something though," he took her hand. "Thank you. I am especially proud of the young woman you are becoming. Your husband would be so blessed." He winked at her.

"Oh stop it, Uncle," she was laughing. "I'm still quite young for a husband."

Gad looked at her for a moment and then said, "You never know, Hadassah. You just never know. Do you know how young your Mama was when she married your Papa? She was about your age.” Adding with a pitiful shake of his head, "This generation is so different. Always thinking they are too young for marriage. If the Lord had given me a maiden, I would have married her long before you were five," he said in a confident voice.

She didn't know if it was his tone of voice or his silly expressions, but Hadassah opened her mouth slightly in feigned shock before bursting into laughter. Trust her Uncle to be one of exaggerated stories when he was pleased.

The two enjoyed their little feast talking, laughing and making beautiful memories for what might be unknown to them the last time.

Queen Sabitum saw a slave from the first wing whispering something to one of her slaves. The slave walked to an eunuch and whispered again. Whatever the matter was, she didn't know, but she was about to, for her enuch walked towards her. "The King calls for you, my Queen." Queen Sabitum's eyes shone, "Did he say for what the call is about?"

"No, my Queen."

"Let the King know that I will be with him shortly," she said dismissively while her mind sought for what reason the King will summon her amongst his guests, but couldn't find any. Adjusting her palus, with her graceful gait, Queen Sabitum walked majestically to answer to the King's call.

His eyes became clear when it sighted his Queen. King Ardates had thought for a moment that Sabitum would decline his request, but for some reason, here she was standing expectantly before him. Her eyes shone with feigned excitement as she greeted every one of her husband's guests. Faking polite appearance was something she had gotten used to over the years of her being Queen.

"You summoned for me, my King," she said gracefully with a bow when she finally stood before a slightly drunk King Ardates.

"Yes, my beauty. I thought to myself that this dinner wouldn't go well without showing off how much of a great dancer you are to my guests." Though slightly drunk, King Ardates was certain of what he demanded from his wife. He wanted her to dance before his fellow drunk guests.

Sabitum's anger and shame were first of all seen in how quick her beautiful face contoured. She couldn't believe her husband wanted her to dance undignified before drunken men. What insult! She could do anything in reverence to the King, but dancing before some drunken nobles will never be part of them.

"My King, do you understand what you ask of me?" She asked her husband humbly. Perhaps he was too drunk to know what he asked of her.

"Oh yes, Sabitum," he said smiling. "I want you to entertain my guests with your beauty and your wonderful dance styles."

"If it pleases my King, what you ask of me is too much. I'll rather just sit and talk with your guests than dance undignified before them." Her voice pleaded with her husband to understand. But as it is with too much wine, King Ardates was without any sense of reasoning for his mind was clouded with wine and pride.

Raising his voice, the King looked sternly at his Queen, "You wouldn't dishonour me before my guests. Now do as you are told, Woman! How dare you think of sitting and talking amongst men? Have you forgotten your place, Queen Sabitum?" He asked mockingly.

With a look that said that she would do no such thing as dance before drunken men, Queen Sabitum forgot all about the King's rage, guests and angrily strolled away, leaving a bewildered King Ardates in shock and embarrassment.

His once perfect dinner was ruined. Drunk or not, he knew his guests weren't going to forget the rudeness displayed by his wife tonight.

King Ardates Chamber.
"You chose to dishonour me, Sabitum." His eyes sparkled with revenge. "You chose to disregard me before the world." He walked in circles around her. "Perhaps you tire of this Queenly position?" he raised his brows in question.

Queen Sabitum stood prideful and unremorseful in her nightly robe. The King could say all he wanted. She wasn't going to be used as an object of show for drunken men.

"You stand there and say nothing," he nods his head in scorn. "You will be punished! Your position will be stripped off you and given to a nobler woman." His words made her flinch a little. What did he mean? She was the Queen, his Queen. He wasn't going to get rid of her just like that, was he? Perhaps he was just angry. He doesn't mean any of what he said. She was always going to remain his Queen.

What Sabitum didn't know is that in disobeying the King's command, she has sown a seed in his heart - one of rebellion and revenge.

"Get out of my presence! And never return until I summon for you."

Emmanuel stood before the small congregation, admonishing them of the years ahead.

"Beloved, I do not want you to be afraid, for the Lord our God has promised to deliver us. The years coming may be tough, but trust the Lord. Only the Lord."

"We know not what tomorrow brings, but we have an assurance that the God of Israel will oversee over us."

His mind was filled with burden for this people that the Lord has given him to watch. What if they don't trust the Lord when the time comes? What if all the words of admonishment he has always shared with them doesn't yield any fruit in the days of tribulation?

Emmanuel's mind was filled with so many 'what if' concerning his people. Even him feared that the coming years will require only the strong in spirit to overcome.

"Elohim, prepare your children for what is coming," he prayed in his heart.

A/N: For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of courage and a sound mind.
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