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Hadassah rushed out of the house, wearing her shawl hurriedly on the way. She had only planned to sleep for a few minutes, but had overslept as it were – she was late for Bible Study.

She could hear Emmanuel’s voice even before she entered the room.

“Last week I had a terrible dream. In it I was surrounded by some hungry looking lions and as I tried to run, I noticed that some other people were around me too. I wasn’t the only one surrounded by lions. All around me were some of our people.

He moved around the room, looking into the eyes of all his people gathered. He didn’t want to scare them, but they had to know that what was coming to them was something even him didn’t know about. Though he didn’t know what it was, Emmanuel sensed it was going to be serious.

“Whatever is coming to us is going to make a huge difference in our lives. I do not know what it is, but I know without a doubt in my heart that God will deliver us.  No plans against us will prosper. Him who keeps Isreal never sleeps nor slumbers. Our God is able to keep us safe.”

Emmanuel hoped that he has been able to encourage them and point their heart towards the Lord.

Hadassah could not place it, but for some reason she felt Emmanuel’s words were directed to her. Like her life was about to change. She could feel it in her heart, only she didn’t know how or why.

“Do you mind me walking you home today, My Lady?” Benjamin politely asked a busy Hadassah in royal style. The young man was a gentleman. Hadassah had to give him that, even if he wasn’t going to be her husband. Not that she knew what was in the future.

“Hi Benjamin,” she replied cheerfully. “I appreciate, but I’m walking home with my Uncle today. He’s around somewhere.” Her eyes darted around the room trying to find Gad.

Benjamin didn’t know if it was a good thing, but he didn’t mind meeting her Uncle. Hadassah had to see that he was serious about her. He had to prove to her that he was a responsible young man. That's why he asked: “Can I meet him then?”

“I don’t think you should. I can let him know you send your greetings.” Her voice held no suspicion so Benjamin didn’t question her. Hadassah knew Gad wouldn’t understand Benjamin’s intentions. He always said one day she would get married to a Godly man and he might not understand Benjamin’s desire to be her friend.

“Alright. See you next week, Hadassah.” His eyes lingered on her face as he called her name.

Her eyes followed him as he left the room. He was such a gentleman.

Gad waited until the room emptied – everyone seemed to have a reason to meet with Emmanuel. At last Emmanuel walked towards him. Seeing the look on Gad’s face alarmed the old man.

“Are you fine, Gad?” He asked as he got closer to the younger man and saw his face lined with worry.

“I wish I was,” he replied as he gestured that they both find a seat. “Something strange happened to me last week.”

“What happened?” Emmanuel asked in that his usual quiet manner.

“I think I might have placed our lives at risk, Papa Emmanuel. My stubbornness has gotten the best of me.” Gad’s voice was laced with remorse and sadness. “Gershom an official of the King of Babylon threatened to deal with all of our people because I refused to bow down to him.”

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