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“Remember to come next time, child.” Adah tells Hadassah as the younger woman makes for the door, her face full of smiles. Hadassah’s visit had done her a lot of good.

“I will, Adah. I had a lovely time with you,” Hadassah replies with a smile of her own. Even though Adah’s words had left them speechless for some time, they still enjoyed each other’s company. All they had talked about was Adah’s burden for the people of Isreal. And Hadassah had to admit, she really did like talking to the older woman. It was easy opening up to her, and her ears were never tired of hearing all her tales.

Walking down the paths that led home, Hadassah couldn’t deny all that Adah had shared with her. Things were not the way they used to be – these paths used to be alive, the flowers bright. Now it seems that even the flowers recognised a change in regime; they were all dry. Why had Yahweh forgotten them? What had they done to inquire of His wrath? She remembered as a child how she played with her dolls freely outside, things were good. Her parents took her to the temple and as small as she was at the time, she could feel the presence of the Lord. It was evident in the peace and joy that surrounded her people.

“Oh Yahweh,” she whispers aloud. “I still believe you are out there. You delivered my ancestors from the hands of the Egyptians. Please help us, we need you.” Her voice knitted with the depth of pain she felt.

“Trust me child.” A small voice whispered in the wind.

She halted. Her eyes searching for whose voice it was when she clearly couldn’t see anyone around, Hadassah hastened her step. There was one stop she had to make before home.

She never could get tired of admiring herself. She knew she was beautiful. In all of Babylon and now Judah, there was none as beautiful as her. Kings came from far and near just to have a glimpse of her glory. Her husband took pride in showing her off at his frequent dinners.

Queen Sabitum was a beautiful woman; her presence spoke elegance and her gait dignity. Younger men gazed lustfully at her, their souls desirous for what they could never have. In her gaze they were left spellbound. She was the Queen of Babylon and would always stay that way – Beautiful and Powerful.

Emmanuel calmed Hadassah who appeared to have seen a ghost. He sensed that she needed rest, but all the child wanted to do was open her mouth and talk.

“You should calm down,” he tries persuading her, holding her gently. But Hadassah chose to talk instead; she had to pour out her what had just happened to her.

“You wouldn’t believe what just happened, Papa Emmanuel,” Hadassah started, her voice shaky and excited at the same time. So excited was she, that Emmanuel was tempted to become excited too though he wasn’t sure what happened. “I think I just heard the Lord.”

“Hadassah, you should calm down. I wouldn’t hear anything with how excited you are.” Emmanuel replied with his eyes fixed on her.

But Hadassah couldn’t help herself, whatever had just happened to her was a surprise and she didn’t know how to act otherwise. Not even Emmanuel’s words could stop her excitement. Doing her best to be calm, she continued. “I was walking on the path from Adah’s house when I heard a whisper in the wind,” she locked eyes with him, hoping that her words would sink in and he’d understand what had happened to her. “And I couldn’t even find anyone beside me.” All her excitement was gone now, and a frown plastered on her beautiful face.

Emmanuel listened to her every word, and he understood what had happened to her. Hadassah had just heard the still small voice of the Lord and she didn’t know. Clearing his voice and waiting for her to be completely calm, he responds: “You shouldn’t be afraid, Hadassah. That still small voice you heard was the Lord’s.” He moves closer to hold her hand. “And I’ll advise that you get used to it.” He smiles proudly at her. This has been his prayer for all his people – to personally hear the voice he loved the most.

Completely in control, Hadassah chuckled, her voice steady and clear. “You must be right, Papa Emmanuel. I just can’t believe the Lord will speak to me.” She says thoughtfully. As a child, she had always loved the Lord. Her parents took her to the temple, but she wasn’t used to hearing His voice yet.

“It’s alright child. You will get used to it,” Emmanuel says seeing how confused she looked. “I don’t want you looking like this,” he adds. He stands up and moves to the pitcher of water in his room. “Why don’t you drink a cup of water, so you can relax before you head home.” He hands her the cup.

She whispers her thanks, perhaps water wasn’t a bad idea right now.

After Hadassah has regained her calm and making sure she was on the right path home, all Emmanuel did was think on all that has happened these past weeks. First it was Benjamin confessing to him his feelings for Hadassah and now Hadassah was frightened at the voice of the Lord. It’s no wonder Benjamin liked her. Hadassah was innocent. Her innocence was the first thing one observed in her.  She was willing to always be of service and her quiet reverence for the Lord was contagious. And she was beautiful. As her spiritual leader, Emmanuel knew any man who married her would indeed have found favour in the sight of the Lord. Hadassah was a rare gem. Thinking of Benjamin made him smile, the boy had a good eye. Although he wasn’t sure of God’s plan for those two, he knew it was going to be beautiful. “I can only hope, Lord. Let your will be done.” And that’s what he did the rest of the day – pray to the God of his people.


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