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“Oh God! What is this you are trying to tell me? Why do I feel this way – like everything is about to change? Why does my heart fear for this change that is coming? This feeling that gnaws at me, what does it mean, Lord? Lead me. Help me understand what I feel!” An hysteric Hadassah cried to the Lord on this beautiful night. She had tried to sleep but the feeling won’t go away. Papa Emmanuel had said something big was coming to them that was going to change their lives. So why did she feel like it was her life that was about to change.

“Why me Lord? Why do I have to feel this way? I don’t even know anything about what is coming.” This wasn’t how she wanted her night to be. All she wanted more than anything was to sleep.

Trust me Child

It was the still small voice.

Adah studied the younger woman’s face and was certain that something was wrong. Her usual cheerfulness was lost; in its place was a gloom that filled her whole expression. Whatever it was, it had to be serious.

“What troubles you, my child?” Adah asked a gloomy Hadassah.

“I don’t even know, Adah. I don’t understand anymore,” Hadassah replied dejectedly.

“You can talk to me, Hadassah.”

“I know.” Hadassah was grateful for the gift of Adah – she was like the mother she had lost. “I have this feeling that everything is about to change,” she looked up to see Adah’s reaction. But the older woman didn’t blink an eye. With a sigh, she continued, “I know how Papa Emmanuel has been talking about this big change that is coming, but that is supposed to be for all of our people, not to just me.”

Adah could see the dilemma in the younger’s woman expression. It must really be a burden to her. But she didn’t understand why Hadassah will feel that way. Not even Emmanuel knew what the change will be.

“If I understand you,” Adah started, “You have a feeling that your life is about to change and not just this change that Emmanuel talks about concerning our people?

“Yes. And some days I can’t sleep.” It was in this moment that Adah carefully watched her face and saw the tiny eye bags underneath her beautiful eyes. She could tell that the younger woman hasn’t been sleeping healthy. “What does this change have to do with me, Adah?” Hadassah asked tiredly bringing Adah out of her scrutiny. She didn’t ask for any of this. Her life was perfect as it was, perhaps without her being a slave in her own land.

“I can’t answer your question, my child, but I’ll say that this change that is coming to our people is going to change all of our lives. Why you feel this way, I do not know. Ask the Lord, He knows. Ask Him to ready you for what is coming. It may be bigger than you know.”

Though she wasn’t certain of what Hadassah felt, she trusted God to bring His word of deliverance to pass and maybe, just maybe, Hadassah was the key.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that whatever you feel may be bigger than you think.”

Mylitta beckoned to a slave boy, complete irritation visible on her face as the boy hurriedly approached her. “Prepare the horse, tell mother that I have gone to the temple of Baal.”

“Yes, my Lady.”

Mylitta’s eyes burned with hate. How mother particularly bought Jewish slaves continued to amaze her. Her mother knew she loathed them – such self righteous people, yet she always bought them as slaves.

“You there,” she called another slave. “Don’t just stand there staring at me. Don’t you have anything to do than stare?” “What is wrong with all these slaves?” she hissed under her breadth. “Go get me some wine,” she eyed the slave. If her mother was going to be soft on them, that was up to her. But she wasn’t going to do that. They didn’t deserve her kindness.

The hot sun scorched heavily upon her skin, sweat dripped down her head, yet she forged ahead. Mylitta didn’t know why she had come to the temple, not like Baal did much for her anyway. Perhaps the truth was she only wanted to be out of her father’s villa, far away from his claw of protection.

Everywhere was busy – people went and came out of the temple, some temple prostitutes stood seductively in wait for their next prey. Mylitta stole a glance at them, they were all beautiful girls and some even younger than her. Seeing how free they looked made her jealous. They didn’t have anyone like her father commanding them or treating them like toddlers.

“I’ll rather be here, than that prison of a home,” she muttered. Baal may not offer her much, but at least it did offer her an escape from her father’s villa.

                                         ❁ ❁
King Ardates eyes were blurry, he must have had too much wine, but he didn’t care. Tonight was a special night, his guests were nobles and he was going to give them a show to always remember – drunk or not.

He called for a slave. “Bring me Queen Sabitum.” His order sounded slurry and inaudible. He was the most powerful man in the world – he had the wealth, the army, the cities and the most beautiful woman in the world, what better way to show his power than to show off the beauty of His Queen. King Ardates had it all. This was a special dinner and he was going to entertain his guests with the best.

A/N: God is Light. In Him is no darkness at all. Remember to vote, comment and recommend this book to your friends.

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