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The flight attendant announces that the flight is now landing and to start getting ready to grab our stuff and exit the plane. I text Toddy...

The plane lands and I grab my stuff,im one of the first couple rows on the plane so I get out early

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The plane lands and I grab my stuff,im one of the first couple rows on the plane so I get out early. The flight felt like it was 5 minuets long,or maybe that was just cause I was enjoying it so much, i have no clue but all I know is that im extremely nervous. What if I end up living with my brother for the rest of my life because my career as an artist failed? What if I end up homeless? What happens if I can't find a husband? What happens if- The thoughts running through my mind got cut off by a text from no other than Toddy telling me that he's wating for me at the entrance of the airport. I let out a deep breath.

My musics still going and all of a sudden Fine Line by Harry Styles comes on. I used to cry to this song when I was 16 overhearing my parents fighting in the background, But now I think of it as a happier song. The lyrics in the song are why,.." we'll be alright". The song now always reminds me of what I've been through and how strong I am, my mom always used to tell me how strong I was for getting through all of my fathers abuse when I was younger. That was always before she passed away. When she passed away my grandmother took me and Tod under her wing. It was a tough 3 years, but then I turned 20 and I ventured out on my own... whenever that one song comes on unexpectedly I always take it as a sign that everything will work out.

I reach the entrance of the airport, the doors slide open,im looking for toddy's car and it caught my eye, that stupid bright red paint job. As much as its a nuisance to look at I let it slide cause I know it makes him happy. I start taking out my AirPods,and put them back in my bag. i text Toddy that I see him. From a distance I see my older brother roll down his window and hop out of his car opening the trunk. I walk up to his car and he walks up to me visibly very happy,he's been begging me to move out to L.A ever since he moved out here when he turned 20."hey lil sis I missed you!" he said as he went in for a hug. "I missed you too loser" I teased.

He put my suitcase in the trunk while I hopped into the passengers seat, we haven't seen each other in three years so we have MUCH to talk to talk about. Toddy hops in the drivers seat and starts talking about how his friends are excited to meet me,he claims he has a ton of friends'. i semi believed him cause I've always seen his posts and youtube videos about all the crazy partys him and his friends go to. He starts telling me that his friend David is having a party tommorow night and that I should come...

the rest of the car ride back we talked each others head off, he told me about what he's been doing lately and I talked about what I've been doing. we facetimed and texted each other constantly but its definitely not the same as being with each other physically. I do admit that I missed my brother like crazy and that Im glad were finally back to seeing each other. 3 years is a long time especially for me and Toddy,as children we were inseparable. he always tried helping me when our parents were fighting being the amazing older brother he is. I was always so grateful for him because without him I definitely would not be here today...

we get to his apartment and he shows me around, its a pretty nice appartment,it has 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, two of them located in bedrooms, thats definitely good for toddy cause he's obsessed with himself and how he looks. I have a bathroom in my bedroom also which is pretty neat if I do say myself. all that I have in my bedroom right now is a mattress which is okay for now considering our living conditions as children. I could sleep on a couch and I wouldn't care, both are comfy so either way its a win. Todd offers to go to target since he's gotta get more hairspray and I need new clothes and some food if im gonna be staying here for a couple months . we decide to go to target which is always an adventure with me, im a pro shopper In my opinion! I search through every item of clothing in the store until I find something I like. Toddy tells me he's going to get hairspray and to text him when im done getting everything I need. first place I go is obviously the clothing section. I pick out a couple things I like and go into the dressing rooms. I try them on and give the lady who works there whatever I don't want or whatever dosent fit.i got myself a couple shirts,some work out clothes, some jeans,shorts, and a cute dress just incase I go to a fancy restaurant or something.i also pick out some cute underwear and bras.oh and no worries, I brought my nice lingerie with me cause I spent good money on that shit baby! im obsessed with lingerie just cause of how comfy it is.

I go get whatever food I want and text toddy and we go check out.

*update* hi! im gonna be updating this story probably 2 times a day and I will be updating my dom book(only angel) once a day while im at my grandmas! also if you like more intamite and sexy type reads I suggest you check out only angel since it will be a more mature read!

thank you guys for all of the love so far I really appreciate it!<3 

one last thing sorry haha,make sure to comment and vote please!

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